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From the LA Times - Jered Weaver doesn't worry about money left on table


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Angels ace Jered Weaver walked away from extra millions in 2011 when he signed five-year, $85-million extension, a 'hometown discount.' He's not losing sleep over it.<br/><br/>TEMPE, Ariz. — The words "free agency" had barely left a reporter's mouth before Jered Weaver shot back.<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/latimes/sports/baseball/mlb/angels/~4/iQ4MjVpvfWU" height="1" width="1"/>

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I can't imagine how much different our roster would have been if he didn't sign a club-friendly deal and we were forced to try to outbid the Dodgers for his services this off season. Even if we got him we most likely wouldn't have Hamilton, too. And I'm not so sure we'd have signed Wilson, either.

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I think we would have locked him up before he hit the market, but he signed a friendly contract to stay. When he signed he even said something like he wasn't complaining because 85m is still a lot.


I'm not sure his deal would have mattered. Every year it seems like we have a budget and we go over it. Not to mention trading for guys like Teixeira and Greinke where you know you'll need to fork out a lot of money.

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I don't think we went over any projected budget this season.


I don't think we did either, the Hamilton money was Greinke money. It was more inclined to recent years where money comes off the books and a reported budget is in place but Arte has no issues about breaking it for guys like Pujols or Wilson and going after big targets like Carl Crawford.

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I feel Weaver's frustration. All this money talk was played out when he signed the contract. With a new season about to start, lazy reporting keeps bringing up the money issue. The guy just wants to talk baseball.

This. ^^


The press keeps wanting to make it an issue and frankly Weaver has said his peace on this topic and I for one am extremely happy that not only did he stay in Anaheim but that he also took a team-friendly contract which has allowed the Angels to continue acquiring great talent to make the team even better.


Jered realizes $85 million is a huge sum of money that will last him the rest of his life and stupid reporters keep wanting to enrage him by pointing to the millions that he could have had in free agency. Jered wanted to be in Southern California and he wanted to be an Angel. I think he loves the ballclub, the atmosphere, and that he learned from his brother's free agency mistakes.


Hat's off to you Jered! Thanks for sticking with the Angels, you are a class act in my book! Go Halos!

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Hey John Stamos, I heard that you and Roger Lodge were once bunk mates .


Not true. Actually Roger and I were at ends for a while that had to do with a comment he made about me on Blind Date. But it's water under the bridge, we actually go back to a guest spot he did on Full House.


The bunk mates rumor was started by a mutual friend of ours, Mario Van Pebbles. It caused quite a roar and I no longer play golf with him anymore.

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