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I agree with Jeff Sullivan: the Angels don't NEED to do anything

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Read all about it here.


I think the bottom line is that while losing Richards was a huge blow, there aren't exactly a bucket load of possibilities to trade for, and any real options will not only probably not make that much difference over the five or six starts that they'll be covering Richards for, but come at too large a cost.


Weaver, Wilson, Shoemaker, and Santiago isn't an awe-inspiring postseason rotation, but if the offense is firing on all cylinders and the bullpen remains strong, it should be enough to be competitive.

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Stretching Rasmus out may be all they need to do, as it's certainly easy enough to slot in someone as a long innings reliever to take his spot, than to find someone for that rotation spot.

Rasmus has been nails in the long innings role.

Stretch him out to 75 pitches on Saturday and see what happens. He threw 51 pitches on Monday and perfectly slots into the Saturday spot.

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I'm still not ready to put any kind of faith into CJ. Less than a month ago we were all calling for his head. He's has had 3 good starts in a row now against Philadelphia, Boston and Oakland.

If he can duplicate his start from last Saturday tonight, ill change my tune. But even so, if Wilson does come up big tonight I think that means we're that much closer to a division title and more reason to spend a little more money to help us out. I don't like the idea of throwing away a game every fifth day in a tight race.

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it isnt really a question of need, or even want, its a question of whats available, what it would take to get the help, and what we have to give.


do we NEED to do anything, no, i think the 4 guys we have are good enough if the rest of hte pieces play as they should.  If the offense tanks for example it wont matter much who is pitching.  Overall i feel we have enough if all the pieces play their parts.  We arent reliant on pitching as some teams are, or reliant on the bats as others, we are balanced, but the balance has to be there, the bats must hit, the arms must hold the other team down enough for the bats to do more damage than the other team.  its really that simple


As far as whats available... well, im not really excited about any of it.  I have zero interest in colon, and the other parts that are there are not significantly better than what we have.  Were not going to get an top of the rotation guy at this point unless someone just want to dump salary, which isnt likely.


And what do we have to make these deals.. let be honest, not much.  So were back to being able to offer little more then "hey well take on the money" which isnt the type of deal most teams want to make and if you believe the fishwrap we don't really want to do that anyway so...


Bottom line, anything is possible, but barring something really unusual, the guys we have are what we have and what will be making those post season starts.

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credence or bias aside, that doesnt make it wrong.
weve talked about going out and getting various guys all season long... we always come back to the fact that we dont have the pieces, why would that change now when we are going ot get gouged out of desperation.

especially when it wont matter anyway if the others dont carry the load they need to carry.

1 arm, stud or not, wont change our fate at this point


i should add though that unless you are prepared to see Beckham at 2b everyday and Howie traded, since thats the only way we make any of this happen, be careful what you wish for

Edited by floplag
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Stretching Rasmus out may be all they need to do, as it's certainly easy enough to slot in someone as a long innings reliever to take his spot, than to find someone for that rotation spot.

Rasmus has been nails in the long innings role.

Stretch him out to 75 pitches on Saturday and see what happens. He threw 51 pitches on Monday and perfectly slots into the Saturday spot.

Use Rasmus one or two times through the rotation.  Than single inning for the bullpen.  We have the relief pitchers to do it. 

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I certainly don't think we're the same team without Richards.

But our options suck and I think we can survive without picking up a rental. The other apects of our team are strong enough to "compete", though I think our chances at a WS have been hurt considerably.

Not to say it can't be done. Overcoming adversity is what championships are all about.

Hope I don't find myself regretting this opinion come October.

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Latos will never clear waivers.  Even if he did, I doubt we'd have the players to send to the Reds. 


A four-man rotation would work, I think, if we had more off-days.  We don't. 


Some combination of Roth, Wolf, or Rasmus is what we have in house, maybe a trade for Buehrle or Dickey is about all we could hope for.

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I'd love another starter but I don't really fancy our chances. I wouldn't mind trading for a DH type. Sure, our strength is at the plate and we're short a pitcher, and ideally that's the hole we'd want to fix, but with that seemingly extremely difficult and the likelihood there's a significant number of DH candidates who'd be an improvement on the status quo and who could be acquired cheaply, I see that as an alternate way to improve our chances.

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I agree with the premise of the article, and I think the Angels have enough bullpen depth in the minors to pull it off. That being said, it seems like teams don't generally expand their rosters much in September. Maybe two or three extra guys total. So I'd be surprised to see the Angels add three or four guys to the pen alone.

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I agree with the premise of the article, and I think the Angels have enough bullpen depth in the minors to pull it off. That being said, it seems like teams don't generally expand their rosters much in September. Maybe two or three extra guys total. So I'd be surprised to see the Angels add three or four guys to the pen alone.

Thatcher, if he can get healthy, Pestano and Bedrosian for sure...maybe Roth...

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I think we're going to add quite a lot. I imagine we'll add Roth, Pestano, Bedrosian and Thatcher (when he's healthy) to what we've already got (Roth probably to start this weekend) in the bullpen and offensively Green, Cron, a third catcher (I guess Hester), Shuck and maybe Boesch and Jimenez. We've got depth, may as well utilise it.

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