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I think it's been pretty obvious for a while that Butcher doesn't cut it.


We bring in a reliever and the first thing they do is walk the batter. Their first pitches to batters tend to be a ball instead of a strike and that's ridiculous.


Constantly falling behind batters is not going to make for a successful bullpen, and as we've seen the results for the past 4 years, isn't going to help this team win close ballgames.


How it has not been fixed by now is unacceptable. Literally all that needs to be done is for our relievers to THROW STRIKES AND LET THEM GET THEMSELVES OUT and stop giving away base runners because WALKS WILL KILL YOU in the long run. Really, our relievers beat themselves.

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As long as Kazmir is successful there needs to be a constant dialogue as to why he failed here so horribly and why and how is is successful again.

It may be annoying, but it's necessary.


I guess its necessary only if a person is incapable of understanding that he was hurt and incapable of throwing as he had in the past.  His arm was mush, the only thing that was going to fix him was good health.   It was pretty clear in 2010 he was over-throwing to try to keep his velocity up -- everything flattened out and he had no clue where the ball was headed.  


People tend to act like he went to Cleveland and they changed what he was doing -- they didn't.  He showed up and could throw again -- the end.

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Hey guys, guess who Kazmir's pitching coach was in Tampa during his best years? Go ahead, guess.

Oh, I've got this one! Ahem... That's only because of Joe Maddon. He's a genius that overcame Butcher's deficiencies with cool slogans and subliminal coaching tricks. Only Scioscia would actually let Butcher coach.

Did I do that right?

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Speed, baby.

He was clearly throwing while hurt in the back end of his time with the Angels.

Also, he had nearly a 5 ERA with the Rays in 2009 before heading to Anaheim.

He had an ERA over 4 last year.

Aaaand...it's not even Cinco De Mayo yet.

Edited by RallyMo
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Hey guys, guess who Kazmir's pitching coach was in Tampa during his best years? Go ahead, guess.

This will be ignored: 


and you will get this:


Ervin Santana


1.95 ERA

31 SO, 5 BB

0.976 WHIP


Dan Haren


2.03 ERA

27 SO, 4 BB



12 Saves, 0.00 ERA, 15 IP, 22 SO, 4 BB


LaTroy Hawkins

8 Saves, 2.61 ERA, 0.968 WHIP

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As long as Kazmir is successful there needs to be a constant dialogue as to why he failed here so horribly and why and how is is successful again.

It may be annoying, but it's necessary.

No it's not necessary. He pitched like hell while he was here, then went to another team pitched like hell. Then he took two years off and regained some of what he once was. That would be the equivalent of being pissed at the Angels for Colons recent success. Should they have signed him to an extension way back when in hopes he would come back strong years later? The guy sucked here and it isn't the Angels fault. He was just bad.

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I guess its necessary only if a person is incapable of understanding that he was hurt and incapable of throwing as he had in the past.  His arm was mush, the only thing that was going to fix him was good health.   It was pretty clear in 2010 he was over-throwing to try to keep his velocity up -- everything flattened out and he had no clue where the ball was headed.  


People tend to act like he went to Cleveland and they changed what he was doing -- they didn't.  He showed up and could throw again -- the end.




His arm and head were mush at that time. I know, I had a beer with him at the Fox Sports Grill in Seattle. 

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Kazmir was damaged goods who the Halos obtained for what has now amounted to a very solid Lefty reliever (one we could certainly use) in Alex Torres.  Matt Sweeney flamed out hard and Sean Rodriguez is essentially a replacement level utility infielder. 


Granted, at the time, those three guys were well thought of enough to where you could have gotten something actually helpful in return. 


he had about a 1mph fastball velo drop in progressive seasons until early in 2011 in just a few games, it was down to 86mph.


While I am not a huge butcher fan, this wasn't his fault.  He was dealt a horrible hand. 

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Excuse me but I can't find any MLB stats for Scott Kazmir from April 4th, 2011 through all of the 2012 season. I'm certain those stats will show Scott's improvement immediately after being DFA'ed by the Angels. If anyone can rustle those up I would appreciate it.

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