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The Bullpen

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We can't count on getting Burnett back. He's still not even throwing hard and he hasn't pitched competitively in a year. Frustrating to even think about.

Hopefully we can develop some bullpen arms, because we don't have much luck signing them.

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We survived in 09 with Fuentes and crew but, basically since KRod left and Shields retired, we've sucked donkey balls....last night wasn't encouraging....the old formula, good starting pitching, lock down pen, good defense and enough offense, really hasn't worked since 09.....

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Can't agree more. Five years of Blowpen is enough

We survived in 09 with Fuentes and crew but, basically since KRod left and Shields retired, we've sucked donkey balls....last night wasn't encouraging....the old formula, good starting pitching, lock down pen, good defense and enough offense, really hasn't worked since 09.....

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I think it's a philosophical problem the Angels have.  


If the Angels were up one run, or even tied.   You would have seen Smith and Frieri.


But it seems the last few years, if you were down 1 run, it would be anyone but the top relievers.  It's almost like they think, hey we are down anyways.  One run, 7 runs, what's the difference we were down.  And they treat the one run as if the relievers hold then it's a bonus because they didn't have to use one of their top relievers.  


It's like instead of putting your best in, to keep it one run to give your offense a chance.  They are saying put whatever relievers in and IF they hold, great your offense has a chance.

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For those that believe DDLR and Burnett are going to shore up this pen are a little delusional. I don't feel confident with any pitcher returning from injury, especially average ones. As for Jepsen, they should just cut ties and hope he can make it some place else as he will not help this org.

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Why weren't Berg and Lyon there to start with if they are so good?


Because the Angels wanted to give Jeppy another chance. They said his stuff looked a lot better in ST. We saw that in ST and the first two batters last night. 


Now, here's another thing that I found out this morning in talking to a couple hardcore, statistically minded M's fans. 


The book on Smoak was that you can get him out on fastballs on the inner half. That he struggled at turning on fastballs inside and pulling them. 


This spring he worked with Cano and their batting instructor to start turning on pitches inside. The result for the Angels wasn't pretty. 

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The hard on this organization has for Jepsen and it's insistence on giving him more chances is baffling.

He's proven that he's bad. He can't throw strikes. His stuff honestly isn't even that good.

He throws a really fast straight fastball. That's it. That's his skillset.

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Because the Angels wanted to give Jeppy another chance. They said his stuff looked a lot better in ST. We saw that in ST and the first two batters last night. 


Now, here's another thing that I found out this morning in talking to a couple hardcore, statistically minded M's fans. 


The book on Smoak was that you can get him out on fastballs on the inner half. That he struggled at turning on fastballs inside and pulling them. 


This spring he worked with Cano and their batting instructor to start turning on pitches inside. The result for the Angels wasn't pretty. 

This is still no excuse for the two previous batter that he f'n walked. Guess they cant hit out if you don't throw em strikes.

Edited by Homebrewer
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The hard on this organization has for Jepsen and it's insistence on giving him more chances is baffling.

He's proven that he's bad. He can't throw strikes. His stuff honestly isn't even that good.

He throws a really fast straight fastball. That's it. That's his skillset.


He is Scioscia's boy. Bottom line. There is absolutely no other logical explanation. 

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The hard on this organization has for Jepsen and it's insistence on giving him more chances is baffling.

He's proven that he's bad. He can't throw strikes. His stuff honestly isn't even that good.

He throws a really fast straight fastball. That's it. That's his skillset.



Six seasons, a career 4.53 ERA and 1.47 WHIP.  He ain't gonna turn it around, at least with us.  Let him go somewhere else.

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Jepsen is much more effective against RH hitters. Why he was brought in to face a left-handed Seattle lineup is a mystery to me.



It was nice to have a bullpen pitcher like Shields who was equally effective against both  lefties and righties. Guys like KRod and Donnelly had slightly more splits but were still very effective against both. This is a great asset against opposing managers because it takes away their pinch hitter option.

Jepsen has proven to be utterly innefective against LH batters. He's the worst option in the pen against them. The Showalter Method isn't ideal and makes the game a pain to watch, but it's better than sticking Jepsen out there against a string of lefties. With a rested pen and an off day on thursday go ahead and use some pitchers. Also, if Frieri wasn't in the strict closer role, he could have been considered because he absolutely dominates lefty batters.


If you want to win more than your share of close games a potent offense and a lockdown pen are the recipes for success. See 2002.

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I think it's a philosophical problem the Angels have.  


If the Angels were up one run, or even tied.   You would have seen Smith and Frieri.


But it seems the last few years, if you were down 1 run, it would be anyone but the top relievers.  It's almost like they think, hey we are down anyways.  One run, 7 runs, what's the difference we were down.  And they treat the one run as if the relievers hold then it's a bonus because they didn't have to use one of their top relievers.  


It's like instead of putting your best in, to keep it one run to give your offense a chance.  They are saying put whatever relievers in and IF they hold, great your offense has a chance.

It might be because tomorrow and Wed the team might be in the lead, thus we need them to preserve the win.  You can't pitch every pitcher every night.

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