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Happy Opening Day! What is your Opening Day ritual?

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Opening Day has always been a can't-miss day for me and my family, but unfortunately I'm the last one upholding the tradition. My dad got old and grumpy and my brother isn't anywhere close to Sothern California.


I know many of you have me beat, but I've been to every Opening Day since 1997 except for 4 years I was living in New York. The past few years I've gone to any of the local bars before the game and made a day of it. This year I'll be at JT Schmid's, then I'll walk over to the stadium with some friends. 


Opening Day is also new hat buying day. I'll head over to the store and see if there is anything worth buying. It's also the day to spend a little extra on that expensive food. 


I'm excited and I can't wait!!!

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I'm not sure if I was going to opening days every year before my sons were born or not, but neither of my boys have missed an opening day. So today I will be attending at least my 21st consecutive opening day. My 15 year old was born on March 29th, so his first opening day he was literally days old. My older son's first opening day he was about 6 months old, and I'm pretty sure his first game was the year Bo Jackson played with us. My boys aren't in love with baseball like I am, but they do like going to opening day with me. We usually tailgate, starting around 3:30.

Happy Opening Day!!!

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Living in AZ it's been a ritual that my daughter and I make hot dogs wear our angels gear and watch the game on TV ( I have the extra innings direct tv thing ) a new tradition has been added - nachos in a helmet - inspired by the "super nachos " at ST this year - Go Angels !!!!!

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This is my 12th straight opening night.  My wife and I are leaving early (around 4:00 pm) as I understand there is a Ducks game also.  I hate the traffic, so we will go out to dinner in the stadium area before catching the game.

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Opening day oftentimes falls during spring break for me as a teacher.  It's pretty awesome. 


Watching baseball all day today and napping.   :)


The same usually happens for me, but this year our spring break is in the middle of April. 

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