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Everything posted by Storts

  1. I've got a feeling you're going to be disappointed
  2. Useless Frieri, I am absolutely done with him, pathetic from start to finish, get him out
  3. Easy in hindsight, think the majority would have done the same
  4. Shouldn't have read the thread title about Trout have an off season looming and then opened this one, had a right scare
  5. Got through the 7th with two walks, very high pitch count
  6. I hate the way Ibanez readjusts his gloves after every swing, it's not helping, he's still terrible
  7. If we are just using Smith and Frieri I am confident, it's the others we will have problems with
  8. Not going to get annoyed yet, until I see runs batted in and us go behind because of it.
  9. Devastating news, hard to stay positive already this season.
  10. Ah love this start, doesn't get much better than that
  11. Well it's a 3:05am start for me, so probably go to sleep for a few hours beforehand, wake up, watch the Halos and then go to work
  12. Of course Trout was going to do that, wouldn't have expected anything else
  13. Done London to Honolulu although with a brief stopover in LAX
  14. This is all far too positive, it's unnerving
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