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Arroyo has yet to receive a single offer

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Arroyo might have to accept the possibility that its all one-year deals from here on out.


That said, I think he'll actually get two, but probably not the three that he wants.


It may also be that he won't get a contact until the other, better, old guy, AJ Burnett, is signed. Let's say Burnett gets the 1/$15M Dave Cameron thinks he'll get. What does Arroyo get - 1/$10M? 2/$18M? Wasn't he originally asking for 3/$40M?

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It's pretty crazy that we're still talking about quote a few good players not signing deals this late into the offseason.

There's usually one player like Lohse last year who ends up signing during Spring Training but we're only a few weeks away now. Santana, Jimenez, Arroyo, Cruz, Morales, Drew and Rodney are still unsigned.

A lot of that can be blamed on the Tanaka sweepstakes but it's still pretty interesting.

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Arroyo might have to accept the possibility that its all one-year deals from here on out.


That said, I think he'll actually get two, but probably not the three that he wants.


It may also be that he won't get a contact until the other, better, old guy, AJ Burnett, is signed. Let's say Burnett gets the 1/$15M Dave Cameron thinks he'll get. What does Arroyo get - 1/$10M? 2/$18M? Wasn't he originally asking for 3/$40M?

I'd love to see Arroyo get a deal from us for 1/8 with a second year option for another 8-10 mil based on innings pitched (say, 190-200).  If he is solid for us then he will necessarily make it to 190-200 innings and his option will kick in.  If he goes Joe Blanton, it won't.  

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I understand why Cruz, Morales, Drew, Santana, and Jimenez are still hanging out...they are probably not worth the contract and draft pick compensation for a lot of teams.  However, Arroyo is interesting since he isn't tied to draft compensation.  He was looking for 2 years and an option or 3 years earlier this offseason...perhaps he will need to come down to 1 year or 1 with an option.  My thought is if he feels confident in his ability to stay healthy and contribute, accept a 1 year deal with vesting option based on innings pitched. 

Edited by KevinStockerIsGod
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The problem with Arroyo is that he's pretty much a NL only pitcher.

I think AL teams are afraid to risk more than one year on him. No one really knows how well he'll do in the AL.

If he comes to Anaheim, the park factors will likely offset some of the NL to AL adjustments. Cincinnati has been in the top 3 parks in baseball for homeruns the last 3 years. Anaheim has been in the bottom 10 during that span.

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I still don't get what the love for Burnett is, and the hate for Arroyo.  


In the end, I think both will be signed by a NL team.  Arroyo for 2 years, and not the 3 he was looking for.  


A lot of these pitchers and hitters for that matter might be feeling the heat, with it becoming so close to when camps open.  Angels should just throw out a 2/$10 million and see if he bites.  

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It's pretty crazy that we're still talking about quote a few good players not signing deals this late into the offseason.

There's usually one player like Lohse last year who ends up signing during Spring Training but we're only a few weeks away now. Santana, Jimenez, Arroyo, Cruz, Morales, Drew and Rodney are still unsigned.

A lot of that can be blamed on the Tanaka sweepstakes but it's still pretty interesting.


MLB Network says that the Mariners are interested in both Cruz and Rodney. Cruz I get because they had problems scoring runs. Rodney I don't, because they have better, younger and more consistent pitchers already in their bullpen.

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We should sign the guy offer him 7 mil with a option for next year on incentives of 190 innings. The article says he has not even received a offer so he may bite. Heck I might be willing to go 14 mil over two years with a incentive of 190 innings per year to kick in a third year.  With baker signing a minor league contract maybe it will help push Arroyo to sign, If the guy can give us 200 plus innings and a 4.00 era or less that would be a plus for our staff. Plus he could help Weaver mentor the young arms we have in Richard's , Skagg's and Santiago and anyone else coming up out of the minors. He don't require draft pick compensation so that is another huge plus. Yeah he is old but several pitchers that knew how to take care of themselves pitched till they were 40. At worst he could start for us this year and be a long reliever next year or year 3. As long as he has been around I am sure he could help the younger guys.  But what scares me is that I honestly think JD is set to go into the season with the staff as it is.

Edited by Halofan
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If he comes to Anaheim, the park factors will likely offset some of the NL to AL adjustments. Cincinnati has been in the top 3 parks in baseball for homeruns the last 3 years. Anaheim has been in the bottom 10 during that span.


im really sick of hearing this park crap.  anaheim didnt help blanton or hanson keep the ball inside the ballpark, not even with trout and bourjos leaping walls to bring them back.  


and it really makes a huge difference when u get a free out every 9 batters.  

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I don't think he'd come over and light it up, but if he takes a one year deal and it keeps the Angels below the luxury tax, then they should get him for sure. At least consider a two year deal depending on the AAV.


he should be expecting nothing more than a 1 year deal at 37 years old from now one.  angels should not cave in and give him what he wants like they did with blanton.  if he takes 1 year deal then sign him, if not let him go elsewhere.

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im really sick of hearing this park crap.  anaheim didnt help blanton or hanson keep the ball inside the ballpark, not even with trout and bourjos leaping walls to bring them back.  


and it really makes a huge difference when u get a free out every 9 batters.  


Well for one, Blanton and Hanson both had a better HR/9 at home, so it actually did help them. Those pitchers also completely sucked the year before coming here so it really isn't shocking that they sucked here.


Also, your assertion that the pitcher's spot is a "free out" is a gross exaggeration. There are plenty of pitchers who hit well above .200 last year. Greinke and Tyler Chatwood both hit over .300. Generally a DH will be a better hitter, but not always by so much that it makes a difference of 1-2 runs in a pitcher's ERA. It's just one hitter afterall.

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Now I'm no statistician, but it seems to me that a pitcher in the NL would get at most a 10% change in ERA and other stats from facing pitchers versus the DH.  At most.  That assumes that every time up a pitcher makes an out and the DH gets a hit.  

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