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The exercise/weight loss thread

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Time to bring this to the new board.  Over the years quite a few people on this board have lost serious amounts of weight (you cannot be serious!) and shared their tips and encouragement here.  Just wanted to have a thread where people can check in with their stories and ideas for getting into better shape. 


I was losing weight for a while and then went off the rails over the last few months, but now I'm back to losing (albiet slowly).  A new exercise I discovered today: doing jumping jacks with a 5 lb dumbell in each hand (you can also use the big thick rope).  I only got two sets of 25 four-count done before I ran out of gas, and I know I'll be feeling them tomorrow. 


Share you stuff here!  Let's keep this going and help some people on the board (myself included) have a healthier life.

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i dropped 10 lbs in preparation for fan fest....i plan to gain it back in beer and hot dogs by the time i leave sunday

Too funny, Wall!  I'm the same way; time to lose that winter-coat...


A lot of my friends are doing "Cross-fit" pretty seriously.  While I love watching the "Crossfit Games" and will sometimes join them, I usually do lighter and varied workouts.  My goal is to build strength, but not get so big that I lose my flexibility (for all my sports: baseball, hockey, swimming/water polo, and golf).  


I will go to the gym once or twice a week and do light circuits, and a few minutes of stationary bike.  If you haven't used the jump rope in a while, re-acquaint yourself!  It's great for the calves, and gets your heart rate up pretty quickly.  I HATE running, but will do some sprints too.


Out of the gym, I have dumbbells and a pull-up bar at home.  I love beach-games!  Just put my new paddle board in the water last Monday; It's a great core-workout that's as tough as you want to make it (Laird Hamilton is one of my heroes).  When the water temp gets up above 60' here, I'll get back to some run-swim-runs as well.

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Last year I went nuts with a buddy at the gym after I started to play hockey goalie and was getting heat exhaustion from being so out of shape.

It started with just Sparticus workouts (Google it...better yet do it) daily and we would try other lifting here and there to mix it up while adding rock climbing and running mountains.

Results were coming, but slowly....probably because my schedule was nuts so my diet was shit and would still drink. I juiced for a cycle and saw really good gains. I was already taking a multitude of supplements anyway which I would recommend to anyone....I can list everything if someone wants. It's close to what I was already doing years ago and listed in this old thread.

Slowed that down considerably because we were lifting too heavy and it was hampering my golf game and dexterity with hockey. Started doing yoga with my girlfriend and am impressed at how hard it is. Not only that, but it kind of has hindered my flexibility and I am constantly tight...maybe someone here does yoga and can provide tips or what the issues are.

Not doing much now and have probably gained a lot back, but looking to get back in the groove as soon as some business aspects smooth out. Looking forward to this thread again. This might sound weird because it's just a baseball forum, but the thread really helped with my progress and helped alter my supplement intake. This was really beneficial back in the day.

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Results were coming, but slowly....probably because my schedule was nuts so my diet was shit and would still drink. I juiced for a cycle and saw really good gains. I was already taking a multitude of supplements anyway which I would recommend to anyone....I can list everything if someone wants. It's close to what I was already doing years ago and listed in this old thread.


Slowed that down considerably because we were lifting too heavy and it was hampering my golf game and dexterity with hockey. Started doing yoga with my girlfriend and am impressed at how hard it is. Not only that, but it kind of has hindered my flexibility and I am constantly tight...maybe someone here does yoga and can provide tips or what the issues are.


I've been doing supplements for a while now... There are, of course, lots of places to get your supplements and direction on what/how to use them but I was sold on Max Muscle a long time ago.  I stick to protein shakes and Creatine now.  Amino acid is also good for recovery and muscle maintenance.  I've always had knee-problems, so I also take my daily glucosamine to keep the joints loose.


As far as the yoga hindering your flexibility... It's probably just working through your tightness from heavy-lifting.  Your muscles need to be stretched-out, and the yoga will help.  For me, I've always found swimming to be my best way to stretch-out the muscles. 

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I'm close with your supps.

Pill form: multi vitamin, flax, omega 3's. I used to take cutting stacks too, but cut that out.

Shake form: I'd take a pre (I found Hemovex to be the one that gave me the most pump) with BCAA's as a pre workout. During I would sip on BCAA's. Post workout I would take glutamine and protein. Then again before bed.

Pretty standard mix. Some do more, some do less.

I'm not sure what to do with yoga, but like your idea of swimming for getting the long muscles going. It's just ever since I started my hip flexor, hamstrings, and glutes have been tighter which didn't make sense to me. Part of the reason I stopped lifting was because the new guy in the group wanted to just pound it out and not only was that not my goal (I just wanted to cut), but the guy never stepped foot in a gym and was doing ever wrong and taking up time as well as being the asshole that never works out legs.

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One I forgot to mention that popped in my head is if anyone wants to do 3-2-1. I forgot we were throwing this in.

It's an hour of 6 exercises for ten minutes each. It's two muscle group exercises, three cardio, and one core.

Google would be best.

My gig was a primary and secondary (ex. chest and bi's) for the muscle group. But would be like, 10 minutes bike, 10 minute lat pull downs, 10 minutes treadmill, 10 minutes hammer curls, 10 minutes rowing machine, and for core I would always do the same plank variation of just push up position while feet were on a medicine ball.

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Anyone have any good juicing recipes? I have the old school Jack LaLanne juicer so I cannot do the leafy greens. Right now I am drinking carrots, celery, beets, squash, and whole oranges. 

Your current recipe is very heavy in natural sugars, so unless you're burning lots of calories you will likely see a weight gain or no weight loss. The greens is the way to go...kale, spinach, etc. Maybe you can chop them up before juicing them?

I've just started using myofusion powder since I'm trying cut waaaay down on sugars and carbs. I use it the afternoon when I want to destroy Del Taco or a bag of chips. It helps fill me up and it distracts me until dinner. The funny thing is, since I'm on the road, I just took down a couple Del Taco tacos.

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Your current recipe is very heavy in natural sugars, so unless you're burning lots of calories you will likely see a weight gain or no weight loss. The greens is the way to go...kale, spinach, etc. Maybe you can chop them up before juicing them?

I've just started using myofusion powder since I'm trying cut waaaay down on sugars and carbs. I use it the afternoon when I want to destroy Del Taco or a bag of chips. It helps fill me up and it distracts me until dinner. The funny thing is, since I'm on the road, I just took down a couple Del Taco tacos.


Yeah the leafy greens is what I really want, but I have to get one of those grinding type juicer like the Omega 3 Juicer (masticating). I tried the kale, spinach etc, but they yield almost no juice (I'm talking a drop or two) in the centrifugal style juicer I currently have. It is better just to munch them. I need to find a good recipe and utilize what I have. 


I need to check out the myofusion powder you're talking about. Does it taste like ass? 

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Look into Brevilles for a quality juicer. Not cheap, quality.

I am picking one up soon.

Share juicing recipes if you gents and ladies would like.

I was looking at their website. Do they have masticating juicers, because those are the ones that handle leafy greens. I have an old school centrifugal style juicer and it works great on everything but leafy greens. If I'm not mistaken the breville juicer is a nicer version of what I currently have. Check out Omega juicer

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