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WTF?? Talk about an ungrateful bastard who thinks their crap doesn't stink. If this person wanted to be taken seriously they should have put their name on the letter. They're just trying to be an ass.


She's demanding the person murders here own kid while murdering the English language. That made my head hurt.


And based on the number of exclamation points in there, the shift and 1 keys on her keyboard are probably in critical condition at the very least.


It's on Twitter so it must be true! Did Ron Ron ever buy that Giraffe?

A pig! "I'm so rich I don't know what to do"

(I only remember cause I put it under "quotes" on my fb)


$#@%&%# YOU mother who wrote that letter.


May a WWE female wrestler come to your door and power slam you, and then bitch slap you for good measure.

Would these be real hits or fake ones?


I rarely condone violence, but maybe she needs to get beaten.  I would hate to wish ill on her family for her being a horrible person, but I kind of wish that her children get some sort of brain damage, and she ends up changing full grown man diapers in 15 years.


Kenny, that was uncalled for. Kids don't pick their parents so wishing punishment on them for mom's actions is really cruel.


I rarely condone violence, but maybe she needs to get beaten.  I would hate to wish ill on her family for her being a horrible person, but I kind of wish that her children get some sort of brain damage, and she ends up changing full grown man diapers in 15 years.


"no one has the guts to tell you!!!!!"




another anonymous person without the guts to tell you who they are



pretty pathetic work all the way around.


How come  the paper look like a xerox copy of the original letter? On pink paper with a black line along the top that you see with copies. Then the folding technique clearly shows a pathetic attempt at an origami duck.

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