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If PEDs were legal...

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One thing that's not mentioned much is that some of these drugs, if misused, are dangerous to one's long-term health. 


Remember Lyle Alzado?


That's a sufficient reason for me why they should not be legal. Steroids and the rest of the lot are prescribed for medical conditions by a doctor, not to help someone hit home runs.

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ya, we should stop trying to prevent things that give some players an unnatural competitive advantage (you know, cheating) and just legalize anything and everything because well, it makes the games more exciting. 

It's not cheating if they are legal, that's my point. You can't sit here and tell me with a straight face that the game is better now than it was when Bonds, Sosa, and McGwire were smashing 60+ a year. Football and basketball would have completely taken over American sports if not for the excitement the steroid era created. Yet we all sit here behind our computers and blast them? Sorry I'm above that.

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It's not cheating if they are legal, that's my point. You can't sit here and tell me with a straight face that the game is better now than it was when Bonds, Sosa, and McGwire were smashing 60+ a year. Football and basketball would have completely taken over American sports if not for the excitement the steroid era created. Yet we all sit here behind our computers and blast them? Sorry I'm above that.

yes, I can tell you that with a straight face. I didn't need those bloated results to make the game of baseball exciting for me. I love the game. 


LOL @ your self righteous "sorry I'm above that." 

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I used to be in the "let's make PEDs legal" camp. But I have changed on my stance. There are many players that don't have the money to pay places like Biogenesis to support their PED consumption, if you will. Therefore, it is an unfair advantage to many up and coming talented players who might not get the opportunities because of some rich guy in his late 30s 'roided up hitting 580 foot homers. It wouldn't be an equal playing field.


Banning PEDs guarantees, legally, an equal playing field.

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no testing system is immune to errors due to the efforts that are being made to continuously fond new ways to fool the results. As soon as a new method is implemented or work around is already in the works. There is no easy or fool proof way to get these tests failsafe. They should continue to do everything they can but it is a never ending battle.

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lifetime, come on now.  


testing in any sport is feckless if they're tested at prescribed times only 2-3 times per year, and only by urine


sorry, but saying "no testing is foolproof" is an idiotic way of looking at the total and utter joke of a system that MLB has.  


until there is authentic, random, unannounced testing half a dozen times per year or more and samples are kept for several years to keep up with chemists trying to avoid detection, MLB or the players saying they want to get rid of PED is a total joke.  


any argument otherwise it moot.  

that isn't the way testing is done in MLB anymore.


On January 10, 2013, MLB and the players union reached an agreement to add random, in-season human growth hormone and to a new test to reveal the use of testosterone. Testing will begin the 2013 season. 


Here's a link to the agreement, scroll down to the testing section. And again, the climate is changing so I am sure more stringent testing is coming through the next CBA revision. Sorry forgot the link: http://mlb.mlb.com/pa/pdf/jda.pdf

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How many kids want to be big league players?
Millions is the answer.
If these drugs were legal, and everyone was using them...how many kids who thought they were good enough to be ML players, would be using them?
Most is the answer.

These drugs are bad for the body, worse for the brain (has everyone forgotten "Roid Rage"?)
WHY are they Illegal?
Stupid f'n question.

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...No one would be crying right now, and baseball would be a more exciting sport. Bonds, Sosa, McGwire saved baseball from going down the drain with the excitement they created. We all know you people that are crying enjoyed watching those guys play. Why not make them legal?


gimmie a 2-1 pitching duel over a 10-8 four hour game any day of the week.

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That's what you had in the early 90s, and baseball nearly died. 


People say they're against PED, but it was 3 of the most juice MLB players ever who saved the game.  


Next people are going to pretend that they want the NFL to be free of PED.  LOL.  Predict how long the NFL would last if that ever happened.  



there was a higher attendance per stadium in 1993 than in 2012.


1993 - 2,509,212

2012 - 2,495,308


source: baseball reference 

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Per my stance on general drug use in general, I couldn't care less if PED's were legal or not.  However, I fully support MLB's attempt to make Baseball a pure game with an even playing field.  Guys who actually care about the long term effects of steroid use on their bodies should not be put at a disadvantage.

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...No one would be crying right now, and baseball would be a more exciting sport. Bonds, Sosa, McGwire saved baseball from going down the drain with the excitement they created. We all know you people that are crying enjoyed watching those guys play. Why not make them legal?


So those who can't afford PEDs or don't want to die at 50 can't play baseball anymore?


Awesome idea!

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