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Tiger T3 at -4.  Webb Simpsons leads right now at -7.


Of course, many more golfers still to play so a lot could change.  Seems like good scoring out there.


Golf channel has a graphic above their logo right now that just says "59 Watch" lol.


Tiger is 3 of 4 on putts from OUTSIDE 20 feet.


Tiger being Tank....... if he can break 60

Much better analogy.

Looks like it isn't going to happen, though. Guess he'll have to settle for a 61.

Four shots more than me. Wannabe.


Yeah, that was pretty silly.

I told my wife that that long putt was what separates me and Tiger. She chuckled and said something about the size of the checks he cashes.


Pretty lackluster final round today by everyone.

Tiger 3 wins away from tieing Snead for most ever.

Liked the moment he got to share with his son.

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