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On 5/31/2022 at 6:34 PM, MikeArm said:

I seldom post but I don’t care about standings, games behind, etc. this is the only math that I need:

Win 15 games per month and lose 12 per month - Year end 90 -72 and we’re in the playoffs more often than not.

So month end April 15 Ws / May 30 Ws / June 45 Ws and so on. So here we are month end May with 27 Ws so next month have to win 18 and lose only 9. You can see where this is going I’m sure.

You appear to use the same lingo you refer to as “loser talking [sic]”

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@Angels 1961 can help you with an answer to your first question, as he's a certified expert on Brett Phillips and just a big fan of him overall. 

As for the second, I don't think anyone is saying, "we only want to make the playoffs, not win the whole thing." Given recent years, though, making the playoffs is obviously the first step--and one the team hasn't taken in almost a decade. 

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37 minutes ago, MikeArm said:

Why Brett Phillips?

Why “make the playoffs” the goal. That is a loser talking.

How about you think of it this way. The Angels have several prospects that will be honing their skills in game situations to be more valuable in a playoff run than sit on the bench for the most of the year in Anaheim. Philip's contract is easily disposable should one of Adell, Moniak or Adams play their way into the roster. That is a clearer track to success. 

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10 hours ago, jsnpritchett said:

@Angels 1961 can help you with an answer to your first question, as he's a certified expert on Brett Phillips and just a big fan of him overall. 

As for the second, I don't think anyone is saying, "we only want to make the playoffs, not win the whole thing." Given recent years, though, making the playoffs is obviously the first step--and one the team hasn't taken in almost a decade. 

I’d be happy with just a sustained winning streak. 

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12 hours ago, MikeArm said:

Why Brett Phillips?

Why “make the playoffs” the goal. That is a loser talking.

you could have adell or moniak as the fourth outfielder, but they're not going to get much playing time, and sitting on the bench for long, sustained stretches of games won't do anything to help them improve their game. In AAA, both of them can play daily, and there's a whole lot more benefit to their respective games to do that since the Angels appear to have longer term plans for them. Phillips is a dime a dozen player; he can play the OF adequately but isn't good enough to be a starter, nor is there enough promise for a long term job for him. if he sits on the bench for 10 or 20 games in a row, it wouldn't be detrimental to his development a it would for Adell or Moniak.

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24 minutes ago, Tank said:

Phillips is a dime a dozen player; he can play the OF adequately but isn't good enough to be a starter, nor is there enough promise for a long term job for him.

For the record, this is slightly misleading. He's one of the best defensive outfielders (possibly the best) in the majors. 

See, e.g. here: https://www.sportsinfosolutions.com/2022/04/12/an-appreciation-of-brett-phillips-defense/

He's also a very good base runner.

The reason he isn't a regular is that he can't hit. (Although he did put up league average production in 2021 in about 120 games.)

As I said earlier: He's basically a perfect fourth outfielder for a team that doesn't need their fourth outfielder to be a pinch hitter (we've got that covered with whichever of our infielders is sitting that day).

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This MikeArm is an 82 year old, frustrated Angel fan since day 1 in 1961. I’m old and grumpy with little patience anymore. (Hey! get off my grass!)

I might have 5 or 6 summers left in this life so I’d like to see us win more often. I don’t think Arte Morono and Perry Mistaken are going to do it for me.

I apologize for my previous post and I will never post again. I can tell when I’m not wanted by some of you. So good luck! 

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1 minute ago, MikeArm said:

This MikeArm is an 82 year old, frustrated Angel fan since day 1 in 1961. I’m old and grumpy with little patience anymore. (Hey! get off my grass!)

I might have 5 or 6 summers left in this life so I’d like to see us win more often. I don’t think Arte Morono and Perry Mistaken are going to do it for me.

I apologize for my previous post and I will never post again. I can tell when I’m not wanted by some of you. So good luck! 

Perry Mistaken is a gem. 

Don't be so defensive. Post away. 

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2 minutes ago, MikeArm said:

This MikeArm is an 82 year old, frustrated Angel fan since day 1 in 1961. I’m old and grumpy with little patience anymore. (Hey! get off my grass!)

I might have 5 or 6 summers left in this life so I’d like to see us win more often. I don’t think Arte Morono and Perry Mistaken are going to do it for me.

I apologize for my previous post and I will never post again. I can tell when I’m not wanted by some of you. So good luck! 

Nah keep posting. Philips showed last night he's worthless. He needed to rip a bag to put us into a place where a single ties it. Rengifo probably could have done that. 

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43 minutes ago, MikeArm said:

I apologize for my previous post and I will never post again. I can tell when I’m not wanted by some of you. So good luck! 

Chap, I think there is only one universally liked poster here, and he's in Japan. You can't please all of the people all of time, so keep posting, the more voices the better, but do expect to be challenged and pulled up and even ridiculed for it from time to time, it's just an AW culture thing. Enjoy!

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Just now, WicketMaiden said:

Chap, I think there is only one universally liked poster here, and he's in Japan. You can't please all of the people all of time, so keep posting, the more voices the better, but do expect to be challenged and pulled up and even ridiculed for it from time to time, it's just an AW culture thing. Enjoy!

What makes you think I'm in Japan?

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35 minutes ago, MikeArm said:

This MikeArm is an 82 year old, frustrated Angel fan since day 1 in 1961. I’m old and grumpy with little patience anymore. (Hey! get off my grass!)

I might have 5 or 6 summers left in this life so I’d like to see us win more often. I don’t think Arte Morono and Perry Mistaken are going to do it for me.

I apologize for my previous post and I will never post again. I can tell when I’m not wanted by some of you. So good luck! 

You’re 82 and you are predicting you still have 5 or 6 summers left in you?  I love that thinking buddy.  

Keep posting.  It’s a message board loaded with mostly passionate Angels fans.  

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6 hours ago, MikeArm said:

This MikeArm is an 82 year old, frustrated Angel fan since day 1 in 1961. I’m old and grumpy with little patience anymore. (Hey! get off my grass!)

I might have 5 or 6 summers left in this life so I’d like to see us win more often. I don’t think Arte Morono and Perry Mistaken are going to do it for me.

I apologize for my previous post and I will never post again. I can tell when I’m not wanted by some of you. So good luck! 

Don't apologize.  Own it and double down.  Some of the most liked posters here were and are curmudgeons.  Just don't expect people to agree with every take.

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7 hours ago, MikeArm said:

This MikeArm is an 82 year old, frustrated Angel fan since day 1 in 1961. I’m old and grumpy with little patience anymore. (Hey! get off my grass!)

I might have 5 or 6 summers left in this life so I’d like to see us win more often. I don’t think Arte Morono and Perry Mistaken are going to do it for me.

I apologize for my previous post and I will never post again. I can tell when I’m not wanted by some of you. So good luck! 

man, keep posting. your thoughts are more readable than plenty of others here.

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