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David Price


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Well, if this rumor from Gammons is true and the Dodgers are looking to move him just to give him the opportunity to start, while I've been opposed to this in the past, it might make some sense now.  He's expiring, and the Dodgers probably wont be asking for much in return.  Owed $16 million this season.  


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4 minutes ago, Warfarin said:

Hard pass on Price, unless the Dodgers pick up like 14 of that 16 mil lol.  And even then, I am not sure Price is better than any of our SP options.  I would rather just see Diaz and Suarez pitch in that 6th spot.

Price is only being used in relief roles.

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Say we take Price, which isn't going to happen, BTW.  We could acquire a couple of useful minor league pieces, which would be the premise of the deal.  

Price could then be kept, as a starter, or flipped to another club for another marginal prospect.  Those type of moves help to assure success in future seasons. 

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2 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:

I mean they're not really in a spot to sell high, at least on Mahle. 

Minasian ain't giving up Adell for a dude with a 69 ERA+ and -0.1 WAR. 

Of course, they can ask for whatever they want.

I'm just saying just because he hasn't had a great start doesn't mean they're going to value him as such.  Yeah they might be more inclined to entertain talks, but they're not going to immediately value him based on his early numbers to start this year

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16 minutes ago, Taylor said:

The Angels aren't getting any of the guys being talked about. There are plenty of other teams with much more to offer.

If the Angels get a starter before the deadline, it will be a lesser hyped player.

Depends how the guys down on the farm do. We’ll know a lot more come trade deadline.

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2 minutes ago, mmc said:

I'm just saying just because he hasn't had a great start doesn't mean they're going to value him as such.  Yeah they might be more inclined to entertain talks, but they're not going to immediately value him based on his early numbers to start this year

Well the Reds are the ones who determine his value, so you're correct in that regard.

But if they want anything of value, they aren't likely to get it right now. Lots of teams would love to have his services, but in negotiations I don't see any team giving up a top prospect for him. 

They really should wait until July when teams are more desperate and he has likely returned to his career norms. That's when they'll maximize his value.

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4 hours ago, Taylor said:

The Angels aren't getting any of the guys being talked about. There are plenty of other teams with much more to offer.

If the Angels get a starter before the deadline, it will be a lesser hyped player.

Angel fans have punted and many are throwing the baby out with the  bath water but Jo Adell still has considerable value. 

He's flawed but not incapable and in a world where the DH is universal, a guy with 90th percentile barrel and sprint speed rates at the MLB level is already more proven than most guys on top 100 lists....  He's a 23 year old that was sent down despite a 95 OPS+, most teams would view that as a potential building block given his age.  Yoan Moncada was one if the most coveted young players in baseball after his age 23 season where he put up an OPS+ of 96 despite leading the universe in strikeouts.  Right handed power is always at a premium, probably more so now that the balls aren't juiced.  I made this same exact argument and was scoffed at by people here about Trumbo prior to his being traded.  

If the Angels are willing to part with Adell they can match a lot if not most teams.  Whether or not they are willing to punt on his potential value based on Taylor Ward having a tremendous 30 days.... Different story.

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25 minutes ago, tdawg87 said:

I mean they're not really in a spot to sell high, at least on Mahle. 

Minasian ain't giving up Adell for a dude with a 69 ERA+ and -0.1 WAR. 

Of course, they can ask for whatever they want.

They are best served holding on to their SPs for now.  

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