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My Sister Passed Away

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Over the weekend we lost my sister, she was 56 years old.  She helped raise me and was incredibly kind.  When people talk about cancer being indiscriminate they aren’t kidding.  She didn’t deserve any of this.  She was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer in November of 2020.  She was living in North Dakota at the time.  When we went out to see her she had pneumonia and at the same time received her diagnosis.  We moved her home to Ca to live with her daughter.  This past week she had a stroke and was taken to the hospital.  She was starting to recover and then late Saturday night, early Sunday morning while still in the hospital she went into cardiac arrest.  They revived her, only for her to go back into cardiac arrest.  She passed away as her daughter arrived at the hospital.  In my selfless opinion this was the better alternative to her wasting away from the cancer as we have seen happen in my family.  In my selfish opinion, I wish she was her, so I can thank her again for all of sacrifice and for her never ending love.  I miss her.

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This really freaking sucks, Scott, and I'm sorry you have to deal with it. It's just shitty. There is no other word for it. 

I lost my brother to leukemia three years ago next month; he was 39. The reason I mention this is to tell you two things, one you know and one you may not. First, you will never stop missing her. That doesn't go away.  But eventually your first thought of her will stop being Man, I miss my sister and will become instead Man, I was lucky to have her as my sister

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Sorry to hear about your loss Strad.  It still pains me about my dad every so often.  But just feel comfort that she didn't have to suffer through cancer, and it was quick.  But most importantly, sounds like you did everything for her, and that she passed around her daughter and family.  

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