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Trout Leading Off

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So let me get this straight we kick butt last year when Trout comes up and leads off, steals bases, hits home runs and everything starts to gel. 3 weeks into this season Mike decides to move him to the 2 hole and we are one of the worst teams in the league? He is probably the best lead off hitter in the league why are we having low obp guys leading off when we could have the best lead off hitter in the game leading off? Is Mike really that dull?

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Mike is not dull, he's stubborn.


He's waiting for Aybar to break out and start getting on base. He's going to wait a long time.


Remember Steve Finley and how long that went on? 

Hence why I think it is time for him to go. Trout is an amazing lead off hitter, he gets everything going with his power speed walks and everything else. When Mike is gone next year I look forward to the new manager placing Trout back as our lead off hitter

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They were still stinking it up this year when Trout was leading off.

He was only leading off for the first 7 games of the season. I agree with the OP. I normally don't make a big deal about batting order, but I prefer Trout leading off (especially with a guy that's been leading off with a .284 OBP).  Last year, Trout got the offense off to a good start in the first inning.  

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If you put Trout leadoff and have Aybar batting ninth, after the first inning we have essentially the same lineup.


And if you have Aybar batting ninth leading off an inning.  You pretty much have out #1, Trout on base running everywhere.  Out #2 in whoever is #2.  And Pujols grounding out to RF to end the inning and strand Trout.  

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I believe the two-hole is the perfect spot for Mike. Trout hit 30 home runs last year and is on pace to match that this year. His slugging percentage in the .500s in too high to waste on a lead off hitter, in my opinion. The issue that I have with the line up is that Aybar is leading off with a .284 OBP. It sort of defeats the purpose of lowering Trout in the order when the guy ahead of him only has three walks. The other benefit to batting Trout second is that he has more protection there, although Albert hasn't exactly been productive. 

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For what 3 weeks? So 3 weeks changes all of last season? 

No, but Trout is kind of wasted in the lead off spot, he's an RBI guy. It's not like he's going to steal with Pujols and Hamilton hitting. Bourjos made sense in the leadoff spot, Aybar doesn't. I would have put Shuck or Callaspo at leadoff until Bourjos gets back.

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Mike Trout 2013:

Batting #1 .278/.333/.417/.750

Batting #2 .303/.377/.571/.948


Personally, I think Trout is going to be a future #3 hitter.  An RBI and Runs threat, with some speed on the bases like Barroid.   

Too small of a sample size to compare the two. Trout only batted #1 for 7 games this year. If you compared his last year's numbers plus the first seven games this year with his numbers as the number #2 hitter, his overall leadoff numbers would be better.   

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When Peter returns, this is what I would do:


Bourjos CF  .370 OBP

Callaspo 3B  .314 OBP

Trout LF 

Trumbo 1B

Pujols DH

Kendrick 2B

Hamilton RF

Aybar SS

Iannetta C  .366 OBP


After the first go-round, you've got three moderate to high OBP guys before Trout and Trumbo. That's got to plate some runs.


Hamilton and Aybar need to be down in the order.

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Mike is not dull, he's stubborn.


He's waiting for Aybar to break out and start getting on base. He's going to wait a long time.


Remember Steve Finley and how long that went on? 


Hey, Aybar has a .284 OBP this year. He has a career .318 OBP.


Nothing but upside there, at least if you ignore the fact that a .318 OBP is still pretty terrible for a leadoff hitter.

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Hey, Aybar has a .284 OBP this year. He has a career .318 OBP.


Nothing but upside there, at least if you ignore the fact that a .318 OBP is still pretty terrible for a leadoff hitter.



Career OBP:

Shuck .341

Iannetta .355

Callaspo .334


Bourjos will be leading off when he returns, so this nonsense will be over at least.

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For what 3 weeks? So 3 weeks changes all of last season? 



It had nothing to do with him leading off. It was his stance as he was too tall at the plate with his feet close together. 


He needs to leadoff. Period.

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