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Bench Hamilton!


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Best case scenerio is Hamilton does start hitting like Hamilton, I'd move him to the the 3 hole. 

He CAN run, no brainer there. It's been said that Hamilton can carry a team when he's hot, and that's partly true.

But not this team. The rotation is too horrible. That being said, of course Hamilton shouldn't be flailing at balls, also known as pressing, (for those of you who think he's forgotten how to hit) he might be the worst (best) hitter to press so hard (currently playing). He'll come around, the idea that Hamilton is not able to adjust is not true. What is true, is that you'd like to theoretically strangle the guy for giving away his bats.

With all that talent, it's downright maddening.

I would say that anyone that thought Hamilton would make a smooth transition to a division rival was kidding themselves, it's my opinion, he REALLY did not want to leave Texas, never wanted to test the market, that was a Dallas media driven fairy-tale. 

It's mental folks, and it will pass. My feeling was the offense would be good enough to absorb a season starting slump, and they have been to a point.

But when you look at the pitching stats, it tells the real story whether you like it or not.

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Ya, Bourjos's injury makes it that much harder to give him a game or two off. 


No reason he needs to continue to bat cleanup and flail away after they pitch around Pujols, though.

I'd keep him behind Trumbo for now, less bats won't help Hamilton. Might make fans feel better, but ultimately the wrong move. 

Bench him a couple? Ya, maybe, but like you said...

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I'd suggest on home games we choose a fan from the stands to play instead of Hamilton.  They can't do any worse.

I can still put the ball in play at least...

That was horrible last night.  It looked like they had decided that Blanton was gonna go 0-5 before the game started.  I only saw fire out of Aybar, Kendrick, and the youngsters.

I think the homer off Trouts' glove may have just summed-up this season....

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You start anyone... it doesn't matter... send out frickin' Shane Demmit! Dude is just a clubhouse worker guyer, but still... he is absolutely terrible right now... Anyone remember last year when we benched Pujols... and then he hit a bomb the next day... hmmmm

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Best case scenerio is Hamilton does start hitting like Hamilton, I'd move him to the the 3 hole. 

He CAN run, no brainer there. It's been said that Hamilton can carry a team when he's hot, and that's partly true.

But not this team. The rotation is too horrible. That being said, of course Hamilton shouldn't be flailing at balls, also known as pressing, (for those of you who think he's forgotten how to hit) he might be the worst (best) hitter to press so hard (currently playing). He'll come around, the idea that Hamilton is not able to adjust is not true. What is true, is that you'd like to theoretically strangle the guy for giving away his bats.

With all that talent, it's downright maddening.

I would say that anyone that thought Hamilton would make a smooth transition to a division rival was kidding themselves, it's my opinion, he REALLY did not want to leave Texas, never wanted to test the market, that was a Dallas media driven fairy-tale. 

It's mental folks, and it will pass. My feeling was the offense would be good enough to absorb a season starting slump, and they have been to a point.

But when you look at the pitching stats, it tells the real story whether you like it or not.



Finally, someone who gets it.

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Hamilton would miss the bench, fall over and break is hip. 60 day DL.

... does this story end with us eventually dumping his contract on the Mets, him trash talking about Anaheim and the Angels, then the Angels going on to win the world series the next year?



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