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What apps/programs are you using?


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Autocopy - puts all highlighted text to the clipboard, and middle click acts as paste..... time saver

ShareX - best screenshot saving program I could find



Tripit - I travel all the time, use different airlines, hotels, airbnb, etc - and it scans my emails and collects all that data for me

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While I don't have useful stuff.  I have a bunch of junk on my phone.

Nova Launcher is a must for me.  (Android)  Just like that I can set my phone look the way I want.  Plus I hate the phone makers default launchers.  So not customizable. 

And in that same thinking, in the last few months I've been using 500 Firepaper.  It's an app that will download different wallpapers, and change your phone's wallpaper every so many minutes, or whenever you turn on your phone, or whenever you wake it from sleep.  And the wallpapers they have vary in category which you can customize, but some are like Red quality.  Especially if you select the editors choice.  Only downside is you can't save the pictures due to copyright, so they change all the time.


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14 minutes ago, JAHV76 said:

Waze driving in multiple cities is extremely helpful if you are not a local 

In that same vein.  Don't use Yelp much.  But was in Palm Springs, and wanted something different to eat.  And if you cut the meat out of some of the reviews.  Found a gem of a restaurant, that ironically was in the same parking lot as the hotel I was staying at.  Probably would never have stopped there if I didn't look.

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