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NFL Town Hall Meetings: Brilliant marketing

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The NFL continues to show its marketing brilliance, holding so called town meetings in three cities which supposedly may lose NFL teams.


I just saw a clip of the one in St. Louis with drones in oversized Rams jerseys essentially begging the NFL reps on the stage to keep the team in St. Louis.  Of course, there was some 'outrage' too, but basically, it gave the appearance that these peoples' lives would be over if they didn't get to keep their NFL team.


There really is no use or purpose for these meetings. I highly doubt the NFL is going to go back to HQ and say, "gee...we better keep the Rams in St. Louis. The dude with the (insert name of Rams' player) jersey looked pretty upset about it."


It's a genius way to get cities to face off against each other and think of ways to further tax its citizens to have a precious NFL team stay/or move to their town. The end game is a shiny new billion dollar stadium that the NFL owners won't have to pay a dime for.  


And like the sheep we are, we will fall for it. 


Please...keep the NFL far, far away from SoCal.

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while people may want to have the rams or raiders return, they tend to forget that the average ticket price for an NFL game is significantly higher than it was twenty years ago. i think it's up to over $90 per ticket, on average, throughout the league. i'm not paying that.


people also tend to forget that we had a really crappy schedule of games on broadcast tv each sunday because they were obligated to show the home team games to us.


but NFL owners will vote in favor of teams relocating because some day it may be their turn, and want to be able to do the same thing.

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Downing...I agree...shit, taxpayers are starting to catch on to our bs...so let's try creating additional backlash.


The next step will be for the NFL and especially team owner representatives to blame the politicians in that city/county/state where the team is threatening to move from. "We'd love to stay here but the city/county/state has take you fans for granted and doesn't seem to think you're worth having an NFL team.  And a new stadium.  


This should coincide nicely with the NFL putting together 'town hall meetings' in cities such as LA and maybe even Anaheim to "gauge interest in an NFL team moving" to that city.


I won't be surprised if the NFL starts charging a fee to government entities who want to have an NFL team in that jurisdiction.  Think it's not legal?  Allow me to introduce Mr. Lobbyist.

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