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Gardenhire Fired


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basically the Scioscia of the midwest. Seems like a genuinely good guy, great manager, probably some outdated ideas/methods and things that drive hardcore fans crazy (but what doesn't drive hardcore fans crazy?). Not like he's had a ton to work with the past few years. Will be interesting to see where he lands.

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Four straight years of last place finishes, the Twins needed to go a different direction. Of course the new guy is getting four straight years of high draft picks to work with as they mature so you would expect by default the roster will improve unless they were tragically bad drafting.

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This requires a mention of the "Hitler was a more gentle lover" post in a Twins board thread regarding Hitler Vs. Gardenhire many years ago.


Bwahahahaha! that thread was pure genious. someone found it on a twins board and linked it here, and it was some of the funniest stuff i can remember seeing. "hitler had a better SS."

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