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Is this a good idea?


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The whole point is the id is non transferrable like a dog tag that anyone can use. Potential problem is id theft, just like a credit card your id could be stolen and implanted in a thief that removes or reprograms it later. The real problem is it is herd tracking and we are nothing more than livestock for the government. The right to privacy is completely removed and your whereabouts are always on file and being analyzed to control your life. It is a set of chains disguised as a convenience and for your protection.

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Soldiers or those in war zones, it is probably a great tool to have.  


Criminals.  This would be a great tool.  To the point that with tracking, you could probably release a great many of them.  It would change the scope of the justice system.  For instance, instead of the three strikes, and lifetime jail.  Three strikes, and you can't step foot in California again.  


Personally, it should be up to the individual.  But considering people love to get tracked on facebook with their every move.  I'm sure for many they would find it a convenience.  

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I don't worry about the whole big brother concept mainly because I truly have little or nothing to hide. I do like the idea for children and for sex offenders ironically enough. I also could see it being useful for other criminals instead of ankle bracelet. Although it would have to be something that is challenging to remove.

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I don't worry about the whole big brother concept mainly because I truly have little or nothing to hide. I do like the idea for children and for sex offenders ironically enough. I also could see it being useful for other criminals instead of ankle bracelet. Although it would have to be something that is challenging to remove.


this is the sentiment that will make these kind of things actually occur.  Just because you think you have nothing to hide but what if someone in power decides that anyway.

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I don't worry about the whole big brother concept mainly because I truly have little or nothing to hide. I do like the idea for children and for sex offenders ironically enough.


That's really naive thinking on your part. 


For starters, you have more to hide than you realize.  Second, criminals would be able to access the data in the RFID chips just like the government could.  Do you really want these creeps instantly figuring out your kids' names and private info as they walk by on the street?  It's remarkably easy to set up an RFID reader and prevent anybody from knowing about it.   

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I see your points, I guess I'm just less skeptical of the government than others. Oh and I agree it's a naive opinion because I was only talking about the affect it would personally have on me. I don't think this would ever pass and if it did I would understand the outrage.

Edited by Stradling
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First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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