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Last five pitchers tonight

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Of the list in the OP, the board geniouses wanted Salas and Jepsen DFAed and Street cost too many Rondons.

I was on the get rid of Jepsen train. I still get nervous when he comes in even though it's from past experiences that are no longer relevant. The crow is yummy though!
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Jepsen. Salas...

These two guys are pretty good 'faces' for the season so far. Two guys most people wrote off before game 1, and who have done exactly what theyre suppossed to do. Part of the reason this team is so cool, IMO. Trout, pujols and weaver are big names, obviously.

Santiago, shoemaker, calhoun, etc etc are a bunch of guys the rest of baseball probably paid no attention to until now. We finally have the team we always envied. Smartly aquired, relatively cheap (obviously looking past the bloated contracts of a few vs the sum of the whole), who are quietly very good, and have a chemistry this team has lacked for years.

If this team wins it all, it wont be because we outspent or because we have the best player in baseball. Its gonna be becausw guys like cowgill filled in for calhoun. Guys like showmaker stepped up.

Been a lot of fun to watch....

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Jepsen. Salas...

These two guys are pretty good 'faces' for the season so far. Two guys most people wrote off before game 1, and who have done exactly what theyre suppossed to do. Part of the reason this team is so cool, IMO. Trout, pujols and weaver are big names, obviously.

Santiago, shoemaker, calhoun, etc etc are a bunch of guys the rest of baseball probably paid no attention to until now. We finally have the team we always envied. Smartly aquired, relatively cheap (obviously looking past the bloated contracts of a few vs the sum of the whole), who are quietly very good, and have a chemistry this team has lacked for years.

If this team wins it all, it wont be because we outspent or because we have the best player in baseball. Its gonna be becausw guys like cowgill filled in for calhoun. Guys like showmaker stepped up.

Been a lot of fun to watch....


Well put

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It's amazing the turn over JeDi has been able to make. 2013's pen consisted of Frieri, Richards (lol), De La Rosa, Kohn, Jepsen, Downs, and a bunch of random minor leaguers sprinkled in. What does he do? He flips Downs for a valuable piece in Rasmus, signs Smith to add a huge boost, flips Frieri for Grilli, got Salas (who looked done) in the Freese deal, gives Jepsen another chance, moves Richards to the rotation permanently, adds Street and Thatcher, and gives Morin a legitimate shot to make an impression. This is the best pen I've seen the Angels field. 

Edited by nikkachez
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