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School Bans 9-Year-Old Boy's "My Little Pony" Lunchbag

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"A North Carolina school has barred a 9-year-old boy from carrying his “My Little Pony” lunchbag to school, saying it caused bullying."


Seems like a cop out for the school.  I realize it isn't possible to stop or even deter bullying but it's going to happen regardless and the kid will still take flack for this or anything else a bully can go at him with.  It's on the school to reprimand those who do the bullying not a kid for being a kid.  

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I don't understand why schools can't or won't deal with the bullying. There is a school in my area where 2 kids in the same school committed suicide in a 2 month span. Both attributed it to bullying. I guess someone that works in the schools would have to explain it to me.

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I don't understand why schools can't or won't deal with the bullying. There is a school in my area where 2 kids in the same school committed suicide in a 2 month span. Both attributed it to bullying. I guess someone that works in the schools would have to explain it to me.


It's because they're clueless and have their hands tied. Students have wayyyy too many rights these days. It began the day they stopped letting teachers beat unruly distracting students.


I also don't get how they think this will stop the bullying?


They can just change it to "You brought a my little pony lunchbag! Haha what a wussy little girl!"

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Just another example of schools not really wanting to do anything to deal with bullying.  I have heard the reasoning "you can't stop kids from picking on each other".  This, while completely true, is such a total cop out it drives me crazy.  We will never stop theft, but we still arrest people for stealing. 


Schools need to do a much better job of protecting our kids. 

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The parents shouldn't have sent a boy to school with a girl's lunch box. Sometimes it is a responsibility of the parents to not use your children to challenge society and dump resposibilty on the school to somehow facilitate their poor choices.

It's not about bullies, it's about parents unable to make reasonable decisions regarding their child's welfare.

Edited by Eric Notti
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The parents shouldn't have sent a boy to school with a girl's lunch box. Sometimes it is a responsibility of the parents to not use your children to challenge society and dump resposibilty on the school to somehow facilitate their poor choices.

It's not about bullies, it's about parents unable to make reasonable decisions regarding their child's welfare.

You must be out of the loop because My Little Pony hasn't been a girl only thing for quite a while now. Edited by Chimi
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It's because they're clueless and have their hands tied. Students have wayyyy too many rights these days. It began the day they stopped letting teachers beat unruly distracting students.


I also don't get how they think this will stop the bullying?


They can just change it to "You brought a my little pony lunchbag! Haha what a wussy little girl!"

I assume that discipline in schools today is pretty much ineffective.

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The parents shouldn't have sent a boy to school with a girl's lunch box. Sometimes it is a responsibility of the parents to not use your children to challenge society and dump resposibilty on the school to somehow facilitate their poor choices.

It's not about bullies, it's about parents unable to make reasonable decisions regarding their child's welfare.


You also called kids with disabilities "genetic mutants." For whatever reason, you seem to have no sympathy for the vulnerable people of society. 

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The parents shouldn't have sent a boy to school with a girl's lunch box. Sometimes it is a responsibility of the parents to not use your children to challenge society and dump resposibilty on the school to somehow facilitate their poor choices.

It's not about bullies, it's about parents unable to make reasonable decisions regarding their child's welfare.


Different kids should hide their differences.  You think that is what good parenting means?

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The parents shouldn't have sent a boy to school with a girl's lunch box. Sometimes it is a responsibility of the parents to not use your children to challenge society and dump resposibilty on the school to somehow facilitate their poor choices.

It's not about bullies, it's about parents unable to make reasonable decisions regarding their child's welfare.


Ohhh boy...


For starters, what part of this story gave you the impression that this has anything to do with parents "using their children to challenge society" and not you know...a 9 year old wanting to bring his lunch to school in a lunchbag featuring characters from a show he likes?


And your characterization of allowing a child to enjoy a thing he enjoys without having to hide it or feel ashamed of it as bad decision making/parenting is straight up bullshit.


Doesn't anything about that ring kind of counterproductive to the whole concept of allowing kids to blossom and develop as individuals to you?


"Hey Joey, it's great that you like My Little Pony and everything, but you better NEVER EVER do anything to indicate that to your peers at school because some dickish kids will make you miserable because of your taste in cartoons. But really, great that you are own person with your own interests and tastes!"


And jesus, that last line...I don't even know what to say.


I suppose the good news here for you is that you seem to be a perfect fit for a faculty position at Candler Elementary School in North Carolina though. So congrats on that, I guess.

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 Don't know how large the student body is in most schools but isn't the student/teacher ratio at least 25-1 in class? Who is available to police the playground with that many students.


I wouldn't  intentionally subject my kid to ridicule.


It really is sad that more than one poster takes blarg's position on this.  I guess you better make sure your kids are the same as everyone else.  Teach them that being different is wrong and bad.  Teach them its ok to pick on kids who are different because their parents must not care about their well being anyways.

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