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How to manage and play the last 50-odd games?

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So there are 50 games left and the team is 12 games out of a wildcard berth, 13 games out of 1st. Barring a miracle, the Angels won't make the postseason - and they've pretty much known this for a couple weeks now. But the season isn't over; in fact, its only just past two-thirds done, so there's a lot of games left.


In early August the Angels find themselves in a position they haven't been much in the last decade: a lot of "meaningless" games to play - just like almost the entire decade of the 90s. Even in 2011 and 2012, the Angels were still in the hunt deep into the year; since 2002, only in 2003 and 2010 were they clear out by early August.


So here' s the question: how do you manage? How do you play? The players certainly can continue for at least four reasons: 1) to earn their paychecks, 2) for enjoyment of the game, 3) to pad their numbers, and 4) to develop their games. But what about Scioscia? Is he just trying to "take it one day at a time" - win the game in front of you? Play for next year, meaning give players like Green, Calhoun, and Richards as much playing time as possible? Or do you still manage and play with the hopes that, somehow, you can catch lightning in a bottle and rattle off a 10-game win streak or two?


Again, this is only the second time in the last 12 years that the Angels have been out of the playoff hunt in early August. So its relatively unusual to be where we are now. As I said, for you youngsters out there, this was the norm from about 1987 through 2001, with a couple exceptions. And it was very much the norm for the first 18 years of the franchise.

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You play the young guys who have legitimate potential to help you in 2014 and beyond....that means Tommy Field and Chris Nelson don't play over Grant Green....it means you play Kole Calhoun over Colin Cowgill and J.B. Shuck....it means Garrett Richards gets his starts even if he is wobbly at times.....it means Rasmus gets recalled soon and pitches more than Stange or the latest reclamation project in the bullpen....

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Yes, they are out of the race, but other than sit those who may be injured (who falls in this category?), play the best people and see what happens. 


They've already brought up Green and Calhoun. The only thing is I'd like to see more of them and less of Field and Cowgill. Let Green play third so he doesn't go to the bench when HK returns. Keep experimenting with the bullpen to see who is weeded out in the winter. Switch roles. At this point, give Frieri a bit of a break (2 days maybe) and try another closer and let him try the 7 or 8 spot. 


The Angels shouldn't throw in the towel, but they have to find out who really wants to be here and who should be discarded in the offseason.

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You play the young guys who have legitimate potential to help you in 2014 and beyond....that means Tommy Field and Chris Nelson don't play over Grant Green....it means you play Kole Calhoun over Colin Cowgill and J.B. Shuck....it means Garrett Richards gets his starts even if he is wobbly at times.....it means Rasmus gets recalled soon and pitches more than Stange or the latest reclamation project in the bullpen....


JB Shuck has proven he is a suitable bench player for next season so he has nothing to prove.


Calhoun is probably the Angels only sure bet to get out of the minors and onto the roster but even then playing time may be limited. The Angels should look closely at him for future value, whether as our best plan B on the bench to cover injury or a huge chunk of trade bait. I would give him as much playing time as possible at this point.


Field at age 26 does not impress me at all but there has to be a backup shortstop for next season. He needs to split time with Aybar to see if he can hit at this level. So far he hasn't and his past history is not in his favor.


Chris Nelson is another 27 year old late bloomer with one good season but that was in Colorado where every hitters stats are enhanced. He is realistically our only 3rd base solution not from the minors and should play out the season there.


Grant Green has no power. College guy that took three years to master AAA and he is still a light hitting infielder. His OPS is driven by his batting average and OBP, which is not bad but it is not one swing game changing. Is he a 3rd or 2nd baseman? With Howie out he should get time to showcase whatever talent he has.


Cowgill is a cut player. Never proficient on any ballclub and is 27 with little to no chance to improve.


Richards needs to start the rest of the season. His value to the Angels is 7 innings, not a couple in mop up or one in late relief. There is too much talent there to waste so let him learn on the job to be ready for a starter role next season.

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Frieri needs to work on his slider and change. Without another pitch he will be out of the league within two years. Play Calhoun and Bourgos, when he returns, every day. Rest Trumbo for a few games and keep Fields and Nelson on the bench or DFA them. Limit weaver and Wilson's pitch count so they are fresh for 2014.

In the offseason remove Sosh and his entire staff and get permission to talk to Bud Black. Give SiPoto one more season to try and improve the club.

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Grant Green has no power. College guy that took three years to master AAA and he is still a light hitting infielder. His OPS is driven by his batting average and OBP, which is not bad but it is not one swing game changing. Is he a 3rd or 2nd baseman?

20, 14, 17, and 11 (so far) HR's in the  last 4 seasons....I wouldn't call that "no power"....and it is potentially more pop than Callaspo provided....

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So here' s the question: how do you manage? How do you play? The players certainly can continue for at least four reasons: 1) to earn their paychecks, 2) for enjoyment of the game, 3) to pad their numbers, and 4) to develop their games.  


I know this is hard for many to comprehend, but many players might play to win because they are competitors.  You play the game to win, thus no matter where you are in the standings you give it your best.  I novel idea?  Not for people who participate in competitive sports.  They are competitive by nature.

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Play the kids, shut down Weaver and Wilson at some point to reduce wear/tear on their arms and hope for a top 3 draft pick + slot money.

Sounds good in theory but that's where it ends. I get the feeling that Weaver and Wilson wouldn't agree to this ... nor the fans who actually go to the games.

You could also pile on the TV contracts and MLB.

And me

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"I know this is hard for many to comprehend, but many players might play to win because they are competitors.  You play the game to win, thus no matter where you are in the standings you give it your best.  I novel idea?  Not for people who participate in competitive sports.  They are competitive by nature."


- Never uttered by Josh Hamilton

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