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What do you predict for Trout in 2024?


What do you expect (not hope) Trout produces in 2024? | Over/under for disappointment  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you expect (not hope) Trout produces in 2024?

    • Vintage Trout Hath Returneth: 8+ WAR
    • More of post-peak but still very good Trout, but healthy-ish: 6-8 WAR
    • Meh - injuries strike, the writing is on the wall, but at least he produces something: 4-6 WAR
    • Crap-fest continues: Below 4 WAR
  2. 2. Over/under for Disappointment

    • 8 WAR - I'm unreasonable
    • 7 WAR - I'm an optimist, but not crazy
    • 6 WAR - I mean, 2022, right?
    • 5 WAR - I'll take it
    • 4 WAR - Life sucks, but I know it

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Everyone knows the history, but to summarize for the sake of context:

From 2012-19, Trout averaged 8.8 fWAR per season, with 7 of 8 seasons above 8 WAR, the lone lower WAR season being his injured 2017 (6.3 WAR in 114 games).

In 2020, the Covid shortened season, he had 2.5 WAR and was on pace for 7.6.

In 2021-23, he has averaged 3.7 WAR and 79 games per season.

In other words, from 2020-23 he has average about 7 WAR per 140 games--a bit lower than 2012-19, but still superstar level--but averaged about half a season's-worth of games per year.

The poll consists of two questions: 

  1. What do you EXPECT (not hope) Trout produces in 2024?
  2. What is the over/under number for which you'll feel disappointment if he doesn't reach it?

Dumb thread? Sorry, I'm taking a dump while my frittata cooks, so sue me.

Edited by Angelsjunky
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4 hours ago, Angel Oracle said:

Career mirroring Mantle’s

Ultra great speed and power in his early through late 20s, before injuries cut down playing time.

Yep. And, unfortunately, Griffey's.

When Trout started to catch the injury bug, I was comforted by two big differences with Mantle: Mickey had an injury going back to childhood, and he also was a notorious drinker. 

With Trout, though, I think his recurrent injuries have a lot to do with his bulky body type, which puts a lot of stress on joints and legs (see, "Pujols, Albert"). I'd rather he take a leaner, meaner approach and work on flexibility, even if it means a few less HR. Or rather, it would probably mean more HR because he'd play more. Do some yoga, bub. 

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4 hours ago, Angel Oracle said:

Career mirroring Mantle’s

Ultra great speed and power in his early through late 20s, before injuries cut down playing time.

First move needs for him to move to a corner OF position. Then DH a couple times a week. And adjust to being pitched up in the zone and inside at the hands. That, and hopefully the team signs a free agent named HEALTH. 

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6 minutes ago, greginpsca said:

First move needs for him to move to a corner OF position. Then DH a couple times a week. And adjust to being pitched up in the zone and inside at the hands. That, and hopefully the team signs a free agent named HEALTH. 

I agree with those changes, but I think it decreases his season ending injury chances before reaching game #120 from about 70% to 50%.

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13 hours ago, T.G. said:

What is so taxing about playing CF? It's one thing to move Trout if he's not effective in CF, but again - what is taxing about playing CF? How many plays does he make a game on average?

he's more susceptible to neck injuries from watching all those home runs leave the yard.

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21 hours ago, T.G. said:

What is so taxing about playing CF? It's one thing to move Trout if he's not effective in CF, but again - what is taxing about playing CF? How many plays does he make a game on average?

Well, we can have him play right field on away games, and left field at home, that would minimize the distance he has to run in-between innings.  I'll bet you never thought about THAT!!!

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21 hours ago, T.G. said:

What is so taxing about playing CF? It's one thing to move Trout if he's not effective in CF, but again - what is taxing about playing CF? How many plays does he make a game on average?

It's not so much the plays but the running to the plays, even to those the other outfielders make.

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