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What is this team’s “Rock Bottom” for you?

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Said often, but what truly is your breaking point with this organization? 

For me it has to be moving out of OC.  

I keep wondering how it could get worse. I expect losing. I expect bad contracts. I don’t care about the name change. 

If they left, it might be relief for me to finally let go.  

This club feels like it’s on life support and the disease continues to take over andditional areas. 

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To me it'd have to be having the two best players on your team not win one playoff game and then deciding they want out. Also, add in Arte not selling after that.

That's rock bottom and completely embarrassing as an organization. The Angels will become irrelevant for a few years if that happens.  

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1 hour ago, angelsnationtalk said:

To me it'd have to be having the two best players on your team not win one playoff game and then deciding they want out. Also, add in Arte not selling after that.

That's rock bottom and completely embarrassing as an organization. The Angels will become irrelevant for a few years if that happens.  

It’s hard to argue against this. They’ve have had Ohtani and Trout at the same time and are routinely terrible. It’s actually quite sad. 

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1 hour ago, Jason said:

It’s hard to argue against this. They’ve have had Ohtani and Trout at the same time and are routinely terrible. It’s actually quite sad. 

Did we thought? Did we have both of them?  We got 10 starts out of rookie Ohtani, zero starts out of 2nd year Ohtani, two very shitty starts out of year three Ohtani, he was also awful with the bat that year.  In those three years Trout was relatively healthy, averaging 136 games and then 53 games in the 60 game season.  Then Ohtani was great in year 4, Trout played 36 games.  Year 5 Ohtani was great, Trout played in 119 games and was awesome (40 homers).  This year Trout was injured and Ohtani blew out his ACL. So they had the two best players for 119 games, last year, 36 games the year before.

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14 minutes ago, Stradling said:

Did we thought? Did we have both of them?  We got 10 starts out of rookie Ohtani, zero starts out of 2nd year Ohtani, two very shitty starts out of year three Ohtani, he was also awful with the bat that year.  In those three years Trout was relatively healthy, averaging 136 games and then 53 games in the 60 game season.  Then Ohtani was great in year 4, Trout played 36 games.  Year 5 Ohtani was great, Trout played in 119 games and was awesome (40 homers).  This year Trout was injured and Ohtani blew out his ACL. So they had the two best players for 119 games, last year, 36 games the year before.

For sure that’s one, if not the biggest factor that has hindered this team. Very frustrating 

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Rock bottom is simply getting all up in our feelings.  It sucks right now, but it won’t be like that forever, despite what some of our “fans” say.  It was worse in the 80’s and 90’s.  Back then we were bad and uninteresting.  Now everything is exaggerated because of the 24 hour news/social media cycle.  Hell everything is exaggerated because we have this community to harp on all things bad.  I won’t quit being a fan, not because I am super positive or blind to the issues.  I won’t quit being a fan because it is my chosen hobby.  

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I dunno man.  I think that we’re probably gonna have shittier days ahead.  The Angels at least are entertaining.  Like the in the train wreck style.  What’s worse than that is being fucking boring.  If they lose Ohtani, and they probably will.  That’s going to usher in an era of being fucking boring.  And it’ll be even worse if they get rid of Trout.  Which I don’t think will happen.  But like I said, that would he even worse.  

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Once Ohtani leaves, we'll pretty much be at rock bottom IMHO.  

Our ownership is the running joke of baseball.  Our only star level player is 32 and on the backswing of his career.  Our farm system is perpetually one of the worst in MLB, and we got rid of the only real top 100 guy we had for the walking corpse of Giolito.  We have a rotating stockpile of #3/4/5 starters.  Our position players are all middling to slightly above average, with no real standouts outside of some possible glimmer of hope for Neto/O'Hoppe/Schanuel one day turning into something.  But they are all still big question marks.

Like Stradling said, I just find other things to do and gradually care less about the Angels.  I follow other sports, hockey and NFL are coming back around.  Play some guitar, hang out with my wife and son, drink some beers and enjoy life.  

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I've seen rock bottom a lot with this franchise.  1971 after a good 1970 season.  Ask Clyde Wright.  Valentine crashing into the CF wall.  Bostock's murder.  1980.  This franchise had a terrible 2001 season and bounced back to win it all.  

A couple of the right moves, and some good health, and things can change in a hurry.

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2 hours ago, Stradling said:

Rock bottom is simply getting all up in our feelings.  It sucks right now, but it won’t be like that forever, despite what some of our “fans” say.  It was worse in the 80’s and 90’s.  Back then we were bad and uninteresting.  Now everything is exaggerated because of the 24 hour news/social media cycle.  Hell everything is exaggerated because we have this community to harp on all things bad.  I won’t quit being a fan, not because I am super positive or blind to the issues.  I won’t quit being a fan because it is my chosen hobby.  

Division Championships in 82 and 86, 90 wins in 85, 91 wins in 89.....It was not worse in the 80's....4 good years out of 10....we have had 2 winning records from 2013-2023....none since 2015....

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I grew up a Yankee fan.  This was in the days of them not being very good at all. CBS owned them. They were terrible.

Then one day a group of millionaires headed by a man named George Steinbrenner bought the team.  He's know for spending money no doubt, but also big on shaking a team up.  He did so and they were successful again.   Lately they haven't but I'd say they have a better organization from top to bottom than Angels.

Once Arte sells, and that day will come eventually, the Angels will be on their way to meaningful change.   As far as shaking up the team, Ohtani possibly leaving, Trout being moved and gutting the coaching staff, might just be a shakeup that is needed that can help in the near term. IMHO

What say you ?


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12 hours ago, Stradling said:

Rock bottom is simply getting all up in our feelings.  It sucks right now, but it won’t be like that forever, despite what some of our “fans” say.  It was worse in the 80’s and 90’s.  Back then we were bad and uninteresting.  Now everything is exaggerated because of the 24 hour news/social media cycle.  Hell everything is exaggerated because we have this community to harp on all things bad.  I won’t quit being a fan, not because I am super positive or blind to the issues.  I won’t quit being a fan because it is my chosen hobby.  

Strad, gonna have to disagree on the 80s. Beyond the two playoff years, we had chances in other years.  Yeah the 90s periwinkle years were tough. 

Edited by The Ghost of Bob Starr
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