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Injuries Quantified- WAR totals

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Here's a fun stat:

Right now the Angels have an active payroll of $113.5M and an injured payroll of $102.3M.

Compare that to AL contenders:

Astros: $202M / $29M

Rangers: $184.2M / $56.3M

Mariners: $72.7M / $32.8M

Orioles: $46.9M / $14.6M

Blue Jays: $188.2M / $15.4M

Yankees: $186.2M / $76.8M

Red Sox: $99.9M / $56M

Twins: $118.5M / $30.3M

And some of the top NL teams...

Braves: $182M / $8M

Phillies: $214.6M / $16.9M

Brewers: $84.3 / $18.2M

Reds: $47.2M / $10.6M

Dodgers: $150.3M / $51.4M

Giants: $141M / $31M


No one is remotely close to the Angels, in terms of percentage of their payroll that is on the IL. I suppose this is the danger of investing so much of your potential value in so few players. The team is constructed to expect 10+ WAR from Trout and Rendon for the $76M they're paying them and have gotten 3.3 WAR from them so far.



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3 minutes ago, Angelsjunky said:

Here's a fun stat:

Right now the Angels have an active payroll of $113.5M and an injured payroll of $102.3M.

Compare that to AL contenders:

Astros: $202M / $29M

Rangers: $184.2M / $56.3M

Mariners: $72.7M / $32.8M

Orioles: $46.9M / $14.6M

Blue Jays: $188.2M / $15.4M

Yankees: $186.2M / $76.8M

Red Sox: $99.9M / $56M

Twins: $118.5M / $30.3M

And some of the top NL teams...

Braves: $182M / $8M

Phillies: $214.6M / $16.9M

Brewers: $84.3 / $18.2M

Reds: $47.2M / $10.6M

Dodgers: $150.3M / $51.4M

Giants: $141M / $31M


No one is remotely close to the Angels, in terms of percentage of their payroll that is on the IL. I suppose this is the danger of investing so much of your potential value in so few players. The team is constructed to expect 10+ WAR from Trout and Rendon for the $76M they're paying them and have gotten 3.3 WAR from them so far.




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A couple weeks ago I did a Trout chart. Here's the percentage of games he's played by year, with 2023 being estimated.

In a way it is actually worse than that, because 2020 is (probably) artificially inflated because of a shortened year. We don't know how much he would have played, but probably not 88%.


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That chart is actually rather disastrous. Trout hasn't played more than 140 games since 2016 - that's 7 seasons, now. He was so damn good and played enough in 2017-20 that he was still great, but even after the 2021 disaster, missing 40+ games the last two seasons, coupled with decline, and it really starts to take a toll on team performance. 


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all this tells me is how bad the Angels organization/FO is and inept at building a team.  


the thing is, with or without injuries, they are a below average team -- this year and the last 7 years before.  I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this year.  They are what they are.  In fact, there is one thing the Angels do incredibly well and consistently -- play under .500 baseball.  This year is year #8 in a row of doing so.  Rearrange the chairs all you want -- it's the same story every year.  Really it is quite comforting knowing there is something in the world that doesn't change and stays the same -- Angels Baseball....8 years and running.  

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2 minutes ago, Skips said:

all this tells me is how bad the Angels organization/FO is and inept at building a team.  


the thing is, with or without injuries, they are a below average team -- this year and the last 7 years before.  I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this year.  They are what they are.  In fact, there is one thing the Angels do incredibly well and consistently -- play under .500 baseball.  This year is year #8 in a row of doing so.  Rearrange the chairs all you want -- it's the same story every year.  Really it is quite comforting knowing there is something in the world that doesn't change and stays the same -- Angels Baseball....8 years and running.  

Only one common denominator:


The West Coast Angelos

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29 minutes ago, Angelsjunky said:

That chart is actually rather disastrous. Trout hasn't played more than 140 games since 2016 - that's 7 seasons, now. He was so damn good and played enough in 2017-20 that he was still great, but even after the 2021 disaster, missing 40+ games the last two seasons, coupled with decline, and it really starts to take a toll on team performance. 


And he can't catch up to fastballs much of the time.

That is most concerning. 

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17 hours ago, Skips said:

all this tells me is how bad the Angels organization/FO is and inept at building a team.  


the thing is, with or without injuries, they are a below average team -- this year and the last 7 years before.  I'm not sure why anyone is surprised at this year.  They are what they are.  In fact, there is one thing the Angels do incredibly well and consistently -- play under .500 baseball.  This year is year #8 in a row of doing so.  Rearrange the chairs all you want -- it's the same story every year.  Really it is quite comforting knowing there is something in the world that doesn't change and stays the same -- Angels Baseball....8 years and running.  

This team, this year, isn’t a below average team if they didn’t have injuries. They are one game under .500 right now. Trout, Rendon, Neto, Ward, O’Hoppe, Stassi, the bullpen arms, that’s a minimum of 5-10 games. Plus you buy different things at the deadline with health. Sorry your misery won’t get me to play make believe. 

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49 minutes ago, Stradling said:

This team, this year, isn’t a below average team if they didn’t have injuries. They are one game under .500 right now. Trout, Rendon, Neto, Ward, O’Hoppe, Stassi, the bullpen arms, that’s a minimum of 5-10 games. Plus you buy different things at the deadline with health. Sorry your misery won’t get me to play make believe. 

Forgot Urshela the replacement for Rendon when he got hurt. Makes Ohtani performance even more amazing. Few cramps and blisters but he's out there everyday.

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20 hours ago, Angelsjunky said:

Here's a fun stat:

Right now the Angels have an active payroll of $113.5M and an injured payroll of $102.3M.

Compare that to AL contenders:

Astros: $202M / $29M

Rangers: $184.2M / $56.3M

Mariners: $72.7M / $32.8M

Orioles: $46.9M / $14.6M

Blue Jays: $188.2M / $15.4M

Yankees: $186.2M / $76.8M

Red Sox: $99.9M / $56M

Twins: $118.5M / $30.3M

And some of the top NL teams...

Braves: $182M / $8M

Phillies: $214.6M / $16.9M

Brewers: $84.3 / $18.2M

Reds: $47.2M / $10.6M

Dodgers: $150.3M / $51.4M

Giants: $141M / $31M


No one is remotely close to the Angels, in terms of percentage of their payroll that is on the IL. I suppose this is the danger of investing so much of your potential value in so few players. The team is constructed to expect 10+ WAR from Trout and Rendon for the $76M they're paying them and have gotten 3.3 WAR from them so far.



@Angelsjunky how about the Tampa Bay Rays? You left them out.

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2 hours ago, Stradling said:

This team, this year, isn’t a below average team if they didn’t have injuries. They are one game under .500 right now. Trout, Rendon, Neto, Ward, O’Hoppe, Stassi, the bullpen arms, that’s a minimum of 5-10 games. Plus you buy different things at the deadline with health. Sorry your misery won’t get me to play make believe. 

Misery lol -- wrong guy.  Dude, i'm realistic -- and that allows me to be happy because i'm not expecting something that is never going to happen.  You continue to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny -- and have your hopes crushed each year.  I don't get emotionally attached.  Decades ago sure (1982 & 1986 even more so crushed me); but since 2022, i'm good.

The injury thing is comical.  Every team has injuries.  What was their record before the injuries? Around 500; at best during the season, barely above 500.  

Adding Rendon into the DL equation is funny because he's a waste of $Millions.  Most of those other guys are replacement level guys at best.  Good teams have proper depth.  That's the problem with this organization with Arte buying the expensive toy to show off -- it comes at the expense of having a good, proper minor league system and scouting department (et al).  It's been like 15 years of decay and neglect.  The house is rotten to the core.  It needs to be burned down to the ground.  It won't be done while Arte is around.  It's unfortunate Trout and Ohtani both attached their careers here -- sure the made money but no success is a failure that will cling to them forever.  

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