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.667 Winning Percentage is 108-54


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For anyone who is unhappy about this team after last nights loss, a win today puts them 4-2 on the road to open the season for a .667 winning percentage.

It's a long season, and you gotta take one game at a time and not look forward to 49-game stretches of doom like Dylan Hacknandez.

However, a .667 winning percentage is a 108-54.

The goal for this team should be to win 50% of the road games and 67% of home games. If they do that it would be 41 road wins and 54 home wins for 95 wins on the season. 


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Really no reason to care much about their record these first 50ish games at least(last season was a good example)....as long as they don't just completely suck of course. Stay at or above .500 while figuring out roles and what kind of team you have/what will need to be addressed to optimize their potential during the latter half of the year

Just hoping they get through these first few months with relatively good health


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2 hours ago, bloodbrother said:

Really no reason to care much about their record these first 50ish games at least(last season was a good example)....as long as they don't just completely suck of course. Stay at or above .500 while figuring out roles and what kind of team you have/what will need to be addressed to optimize their potential during the latter half of the year

Just hoping they get through these first few months with relatively good health


Every game counts the same. If they won 75% of their games in the first 50 .... or 38 wins....and then played 50/50 ball the rest of the way, They'd win 106 games. 




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Because it's the start of the season everything is magnified. People project longer term trends from short term results. Even after the first game loss there were doomsayers in the media, hoping the team would implode and pave the way for Ohtani's exit.

Can't get too high or low now but it's better to be winning than losing. 

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2 hours ago, Revad said:

We miss Manoah and Gausman in the series with Toronto, which should help.

Funny how that works, eh? 

When I took this team and baseball in general way too serious, I'd notice things like that. From our schedule and rivals.

On the one hand it's petty. And I assume it evens out. On the other when you notice it (and it's nobody's fault / evil design), it stands out. Both in your team getting the bad luck of it, and the team you hate getting the good luck of it.

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