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Adell and Marsh Podcast


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Listened to it.  There was a really similar clip on angels.com during the AFL as well.  They’re definitely buddies.  I have no enthusiasm for trading Brandon Marsh.  Doesn’t mean I completely won’t.  But I doubt there’s a deal coming along that I think would be worth it.  

Edited by UndertheHalo
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I'd totally trade Brandon Marsh.......if it means getting a front of the rotation starter under team control for at least 2 years, and that front of the rotation starter was the difference between the playoffs and no playoffs.

But seeing as no one is offering that, I think I'd rather just keep Marsh and let him leap frog Upton on the depth chart later this season. 

Plus the entertainment we'd get from flaming Trout with those two, and the hilariousness that would come from interviews and everything. You just can't pass that up.

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