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Scientists: A Cure for Cancer within a year?


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1 hour ago, Blarg said:

Since there a many forms of cancer with many different structures I doubt any global cure will take place. 

Sadly, this is the truth. There is no "Cure for cancer"

They may find ways to eradicate certain types, and continue to build upon that, but cancer is a large catch-all phrase. 

Claiming to cure cancer is like saying you have stopped pollution. 

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2 hours ago, Taylor said:

My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with stage-IV colon cancer. The doctors think the tumor was in his colon for years before it spread to his liver. He's only 48.

AngelsWin dudes who are 40 and older, go get a colonoscopy.

Sorry to hear that. I lucked out with stage 2 bladder cancer, if you can see it from the right perspective. Stage IV colon cancer is much more serious. I would recommend USC Norris if he has tratment options. 

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2 minutes ago, Blarg said:

Sorry to hear that. I lucked out with stage 2 bladder cancer, if you can see it from the right perspective. Stage IV colon cancer is much more serious. I would recommend USC Norris if he has tratment options. 

Thanks, Blarg. He's with Kaiser, so it's all being handled there.

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3 hours ago, Taylor said:

My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with stage-IV colon cancer. The doctors think the tumor was in his colon for years before it spread to his liver. He's only 48.

AngelsWin dudes who are 40 and older, go get a colonoscopy.

Wow, sorry to hear about your FIL.  I have been told to wait until I was 50.  I turn 48 in 6 weeks.  

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I have lost my mom, dad and brother to different forms of cancer.  I have never smoked but I do no that cancer doesn’t really give a shit.  I have been lucky and have only had basil cell skin cancer and that was a very simple little snip and biopsy.  I get checked out every couple of years to make sure I have no new spots forming.  

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40 minutes ago, Mark68 said:

F*ck cancer.


My dad has it.


Anything that kills that Facking disease needs to happen.

Agreed. The US yearly budget for cancer reaserch is 5 billion dollars. It seems substantial until you see that it's split up between 18 different cancer catagories and clinical trials. 

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1 hour ago, Stradling said:

Wow, sorry to hear about your FIL.  I have been told to wait until I was 50.  I turn 48 in 6 weeks.  

Yeah, the standard age is 50. But more and more people are getting diagnosed much younger. You can have colon cancer for a really long time without any noticeable symptoms.

My FIL went to the doctor last May because he had a pain near the bottom of his ribs, on one side. The doctor said he probably pulled a muscle and not to worry about it. Four months later, he was still feeling the pain, so they did an ultrasound and found lesions on his liver. More testing led to finding a mass in his colon, and a colonoscopy and biopsy confirmed it was a cancerous tumor that had spread to his liver.

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6 hours ago, Taylor said:

My father-in-law was recently diagnosed with stage-IV colon cancer. The doctors think the tumor was in his colon for years before it spread to his liver. He's only 48.

AngelsWin dudes who are 40 and older, go get a colonoscopy.

Oh man. I'm 48. Did he have any symptoms leading up to getting checked out and before the cancer was found?

I recently had some skin cancer removed, just heard back that they got it all so I was stoked obviously. 

Prayers out for your father in law.

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47 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

Oh man. I'm 48. Did he have any symptoms leading up to getting checked out and before the cancer was found?

I recently had some skin cancer removed, just heard back that they got it all so I was stoked obviously. 

Prayers out for your father in law.

Thanks, Chuck. I'm glad they got all your cancer out.

The doctors told him that a third of people with stage IV colon cancer don't have any initial symptoms. His only symptom was pain in his side, but that was related to the liver, where the cancer had spread.

Colonoscopies suck (the day before, you can't eat anything and have to take a laxative), but to be on the safe side, I might request one when I'm closer to 40. I don't have a history of it in my family, but I'd just rather be safe.

Edited by Taylor
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