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Weaver is Awesome

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Just now, LHalo said:

Apparently Weaver has to drink Pliney the Younger out of a snifter with his pinky up in order to be Internet cool on a Monday night. 

No, they will fucking rip you for that choice.

We had a family get together at our house a couple weeks ago.  I had literally five beer choices.  My brother in law ONLY drinks Fosters.  So he just didn't drink.

We rip on women and all their quirks on the Social media thread in the hangout.

These fucking beer snobs are just as bad.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why Jared Weaver gets ripped for drinking a bud light.  He's a grown ass man, he's tried them all.  He fucking likes the taste of Bud Light - or the combo of taste/lightness/calories - whatever it is.

Here's a news flash, beer snobs:  You aren't a better man because of the beer you choose to drink.

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1 minute ago, yk9001 said:

No, they will fucking rip you for that choice.

We had a family get together at our house a couple weeks ago.  I had literally five beer choices.  My brother in law ONLY drinks Fosters.  So he just didn't drink.

We rip on women and all their quirks on the Social media thread in the hangout.

These fucking beer snobs are just as bad.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why Jared Weaver gets ripped for drinking a bud light.  He's a grown ass man, he's tried them all.  He fucking likes the taste of Bud Light - or the combo of taste/lightness/calories - whatever it is.

Here's a news flash, beer snobs:  You aren't a better man because of the beer you choose to drink.

You do realize this was in jest? I do respect your passion and seriousness

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12 minutes ago, yk9001 said:

No, they will fucking rip you for that choice.

We had a family get together at our house a couple weeks ago.  I had literally five beer choices.  My brother in law ONLY drinks Fosters.  So he just didn't drink.

We rip on women and all their quirks on the Social media thread in the hangout.

These fucking beer snobs are just as bad.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why Jared Weaver gets ripped for drinking a bud light.  He's a grown ass man, he's tried them all.  He fucking likes the taste of Bud Light - or the combo of taste/lightness/calories - whatever it is.

Here's a news flash, beer snobs:  You aren't a better man because of the beer you choose to drink.

Yk please give us your list of things we're allowed to have opinions on.  You're the guy that comes on here and bitches about virtually everything.  Also I don't think I'm better than that grown ass man, I just think it's a horrible beer.  

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23 minutes ago, hangin n wangin said:

I'm with you on that. Let people drink whatever the fuck they want. 

Yep. I don't drink beer unless I'm at a ballgame or floating down the river, then it's all about lite beer. 

I'm a martini or bourbon/whisky guy depending on my mood. I like red wine with meals. 


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Strad, I have been married almost 25 years, and I am a big proponent of letting guys do what they want.  I hate hearing anyone tell a grown ass man, "You should........" when said grown ass man isn't looking for advice.

"You should drink (fill in the blank), not Bud Light" rubs me the wrong way.  Said grown ass man has tried them all, and he likes Bud Light.  It isn't horrible to him.

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8 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

Yep. I don't drink beer unless I'm at a ballgame or floating down the river, then it's all about lite beer. 

I'm a martini or bourbon/whisky guy depending on my mood. I like red wine with meals. 

I dont know where I fall in the beer snob flow chart.   If I'm drinking beer I drink hefeweizens or any wheat beer really -- so, in that regard there is some snobbery going on but. I like all of them...

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10 minutes ago, Chuckster70 said:

Yep. I don't drink beer unless I'm at a ballgame or floating down the river, then it's all about lite beer. 

I'm a martini or bourbon/whisky guy depending on my mood. I like red wine with meals and long walks on the beach with that special person followed by cuddling in front of an open fire.


You left something out from your dating profile.

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