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China as peacemaker?

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Noone else posted so i will as i found it intriguing to see China telling N Korea to stop the tests and threats.  
Feels like the first time ive seen China step into that role whether its out of fear, or concenrs for losss of market or whatever, it was intriguing to me for big brother to tell little brother to knock it off.  
Probably nothing, but it found it interesting. 

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29 minutes ago, red321 said:

They are more than happy to let North Korea get US, SK, and Japan all worked up...but I would expect when they get a feeling there might be an actual mess to cleanup they'll tell them to knock that shit off rather than end up with a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions in their side yard.

Yeah, makes you wonder though how serious NK was about attacking that China felt this necessary. 

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If the North Korean leadership had brains larger than their shrunken testicles they would have long ago committed to "Space Exploration" which would give them unlimited testing of large payload rockets to further their plans to create an ICBM, all under the guise of peaceful science. No sanctions, no international watchdogs.

But they are inbreed dumbasses of the highest order and keep provoking a fight they cannot survive. Eventually the bad haircut fat kid is going to make a mistake and drop a missile somewhere and trigger the end of the North Korean war. 

Edited by Blarg
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I'm not sure how serious that China believes that the North Koreans are, but things have reached a point where they apparently believe that they had better intervene before things go any further. I'm sure that they realize that Kim Jong Un is probably crazy enough to launch an attack, even if it is virtual suicide for his country.

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12 hours ago, arch stanton said:

China needs North Korea as much as North Korea needs China. A united Korea on their border would not be good for them economically or security-wise. When you are winning the status quo why would you want to see it changed?

Why would a united Korea be economically bad for China? NK is an untapped market waiting to buy tons of shit from China once sanctions are lifted.

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55 minutes ago, Glen said:

Trump just said that if NK doesn't stand down the US will respond with fire and fury like the world has never seen before. And power.

I just hope that if I get blown up, it happens in the middle of the night when I'm sound asleep and it happens quick.

It would make sense to put a stop to their nuclear program sooner rather then later. In 5-10 years, according to analysts, they will have miniaturized warheads attached to ICBM's capable of hitting targets in the entire U.S.

I don't like the whole neocon "regime change" crap that we tend to pull on other nations, but NK is a country that desperately needs some leadership decapitation.


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Odd idea that I'm sure has flaws I'm unaware of or just haven't thought of, but... Why doesn't China just annex North Korea and start running the show there? Seems like a best-case scenario for everyone involved to me. 

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8 minutes ago, Don said:

Odd idea that I'm sure has flaws I'm unaware of or just haven't thought of, but... Why doesn't China just annex North Korea and start running the show there? Seems like a best-case scenario for everyone involved to me. 

North Korea is to China, what Twitter is to Trump. 

Without Twitter, we'd actually have to look at what Trump is actually doing.  Which, really policy/presidential wise, isn't much.  But with Twitter, man, he is like the hardest working man that is destroying the world and country as we know it. 

With China.  As long as North Korea is going all nuts.  Everyone is focused on them.  Meanwhile, their island in the South China Seas is getting larger and larger.  And they have all these other deals around the world that no one is really paying attention to.  If China annexed North Korea, then all eyes would be back on them. 

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On 8/8/2017 at 6:03 PM, Don said:

Odd idea that I'm sure has flaws I'm unaware of or just haven't thought of, but... Why doesn't China just annex North Korea and start running the show there? Seems like a best-case scenario for everyone involved to me. 

The same reason we wouldn't annex Mexico. To say it'd be a drain on their/our resources would be an understatement.

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On 8/8/2017 at 1:35 PM, Glen said:

Trump just said that if NK doesn't stand down the US will respond with fire and fury like the world has never seen before. And power.

If we're lucky China will realize the threat Trump represents and be compelled to do something they really don't want to do about NK. If we're really really lucky this is Trump's game plan and he actually has no actual intention to initiate conflict as he prefers avoiding nuclear war. We're rarely lucky.

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On 8/8/2017 at 6:21 PM, gotbeer said:

North Korea is to China, what Twitter is to Trump. 

Without Twitter, we'd actually have to look at what Trump is actually doing.  Which, really policy/presidential wise, isn't much.  But with Twitter, man, he is like the hardest working man that is destroying the world and country as we know it. 

With China.  As long as North Korea is going all nuts.  Everyone is focused on them.  Meanwhile, their island in the South China Seas is getting larger and larger.  And they have all these other deals around the world that no one is really paying attention to.  If China annexed North Korea, then all eyes would be back on them. 

The US might be conducive to China's goals in the SCS if they would take care of the NK problem and perhaps be a bit generous to the US in future SCS matters.

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