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11 minutes ago, Homebrewer said:

The Cubs can be removed from that list.



They're in 1st place now 8-1 since the break.

Was this ever actually in doubt?  I mean yeah they stumbled out of the gate a little "were not that hungry" anymore issues... then got popped in the beak knocked into second place got angry and came back.  By the time its over they still win the division comfortably in my opinion.  

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1 hour ago, Homebrewer said:

Oh great..

I hope Scioscia will be smart enough to just walk him.

Come on man!!!! We are talking about the same guys who were actually pitching to Josh Hamilton after the original trade back to Texas in 2015!!!!...... They had watched him flail at pitches 6 inches to 2 feet away and breaking balls in the dirt for 2 full years and were still throwing him fastballs middle in!.......

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1 minute ago, SlappyUtilityMIF said:

Come on man!!!! We are talking about the same guys who were actually pitching to Josh Hamilton after the original trade back to Texas in 2015!!!!...... They had watched him flail at pitches 6 inches to 2 feet away and breaking balls in the dirt for 2 full years and were still throwing him fastballs middle in!.......

Good point.


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5 hours ago, ANAHEIMBOB said:

Looks like Maddon helped turn the Cubs around, some clowns just don't believe in Joe.

Yeah, still in 2nd place after playing 3 teams who are all 3 games under .500

Oh, they lost today against a real team - the AL worst, losers of 9 straight Chicago White Sox. 

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5 hours ago, tdawg87 said:

I have IBS and oftentimes I'll go a whole day without pooping but then all the sudden I have to go like 5 times in a 4 hour span and I'm pretty much tearing my butthole apart with toilet paper.

This post is a perfect representation of AnaheimBobs posts.  

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