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Resolving Hamilton

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Obviously, he needs to adjust. He's not getting good looks of over-committing at the plate. Maybe that's what he's used too attributable to past success, I don't know, but he's missing dearly by it. I'm shocked by the "swinging and missing" nightmare, myself.

But that over-committing is by starting the heavier bat.

Even with the past success, it's always been in the back of my mind that that heavier bat weight he's selected will eventually catch up with him and slow him down by the type of hitter he is.

He's has a Ted Williams style of hitting to begin with and should be swinging a LIGHTER bat now. END OF STORY.

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Resolving Hamilton in my mind would be dropping him even further down in the line up and hope everyone else is producing. If everyone is producing then maybe he can go back to being himself. I don't know what its like to feel the pressure to perform these guys must feel but man he needs to step up sooner rather than later.

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I think the coaches need to tell him to go up to bat - maybe one AB per game - and don't swing at anything. Just watch pitches. He'll K looking 1/2 the time and the other he'll walk, improving his OBP, demonstrate to opposing pitchers that he's not going to swing at *all* junk, and hopefully provide some discipline and ability to discern between good and bad pitches.

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Or, maybe it's the bat length, rather, that's he's speeding up the barrel through the zone, and it's not the weight.  Either way, he should be calibrating with different wood about now.


I looked into it.  Looks have been deceiving.  He swings a 34.5 to 35, with a 33 oz weight.  It's looked heavy with it relatively longer and a skinny handle, big barrel weight.  It looks like a mismatch with his hitting type, regardless.   


How do you think we get out of this nightmare, guys?    

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It's crazy to think there's nothing wrong with coaching. We've managed to turn the 2nd best hitter in the AL, into the worst.


There's absolutely nobody in the Angels organization (other than Hamilton himself) who is responsible for his lack of plate discipline.

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Well in my mind the only way to resolve Hamilton is to reverse the contract and get Torii back...but that's impossible. Hamilton is not hitting, Pujols is not hitting and Trout is barely hitting. There has got to be an issue with the coaching. No way three of the best hitters around hit so poorly for so long just as random coincidence. Just like the whole pitching staff sucked so terribly last year and now are doing just fine elsewhere (granted there is still a lot of time left to see where they end up).

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Additionally, the lack of any unity and ability to play as a team has got to be taxing on everyone. The most errors in mlb, most outs from base running, and a bullpen that you can count on to blow any lead has got to make it hard mentally. The whole dynamic is just out of whack.

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I want to start by saying I am completely in favor of a new manager. That being said, it's not the managers fault our three best hitters aren't performing. One is hurt, one is a head case, and the third is a second year player. I believe that there is a chemistry issue as well that is probably due to all the turnover.

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Solving Hamiltoe requires pretty much one thing:  He needs to have a plan when he goes to the plate.  He doesn't have one and it shows.  What might the pitcher throw first pitch?  What if there's a runner on 2nd...what would the third pitch be?  What does this pitcher throw when the count is 1-2?  How often does he change speeds?  How much does he change speeds?  Etc...I'm a fat-assed middle aged man sitting on a couch and I have thought more about what the opposing pitcher might throw.


If you watch pretty much any batter, it's evident that they've done their research and have a plan at the plate.  Not always the best plan, but they think about their approach.  Check out Trumbo's next at bat and you will see this.


I see none of this from Hamiltoe*.


*Every other Angels batter except for one is not being paid as much as Hamiltoe.  Confounding.

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And it could be said that the big turnover is partly due to bad scouting resulting in lots of swings and misses on acquisitions?

After Hunter, who has proven to be a good acquisition, outside of maybe

Frieri who has not had the greatest stats since the 2012 ASB?

Why have there been so many acquisitions that haven't worked out?

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