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Since I don't live in California, is the "fire scioscia" out in full force in SoCal?

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I don't pay any attention to sports radio, so I don't know about that. I'm pretty comfortable assuming there's quite a bit of it there though.


Among the fans at games, I can't say I've really noticed a strong presence of people who REALLY want Scioscia gone(like on here). There definitely seem to be more people who are aware of the possibility that he's on the hot seat, and the reaction to that seems a lot more in the range of indifferent to in favor of than in years past. Nothing like this board though.


I don't think I've seen much more than the pre-season/early season "If the team misses the playoffs again, Scioscia's job could be in jeopardy" type stuff from the local press.

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You're not gonna get alot of Fire Scioscia heat on 830am.  And on the few occasions I listen to sports talk, it's been all NBA and of course, the NFL.  Come to think of it, I wish we could just consolidate the year long NFL talk to one terrestrial radio station.  That would be useful.  NFL in May is redundant.

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My guess is that the Angels are looking for a Home win before sending Scioscia packing.


While I believe that letting Scioscia go would be possibly the biggest mistake the Angels can make (simply because he's better than any possible replacement that could be named) the fact is, the drumbeat this season is louder than I've ever heard before, and I don't think anyone can deny the fact that the Angels just flat out stink this season again and are highly unlikely to make the playoffs yet again this season, despite there being an extra setting at the table called the Playoffs one game wildcard.


Personally, more than Scioscia, I blame both Arturo and Jerry.  Arturo for backing up the Brinks truck on Hamilton and Jerry for the way he went about building the pitching staff.


Right now, there's nothing working.  The starters are giving up too many runs early, the offense is not producing, the baserunning is out of control, the bullpen is blowing too many leads, the defense looks like the Bad News Bears, the coaching looks like the Marx Brothers, and there doesn't appear to be a player in the dugout who's stepping up in a leadership role.  I would not be surprised if we don't see a couple of players come to fisticuffs over the course of the next week.


This thing is like watching a Nascar wreck in extremely slow motion.


So, yeah, there's going to be a scapegoat, and the likelyhood that it's Scioscia is high, but the reality is, to me it looks like Scioscia is the victim of situations beyond his control.  The front office is letting him down, the players are letting him down, and he's doing the best he can with a shit sandwich he just took a big bite of.

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My guess is that the Angels are looking for a Home win before sending Scioscia packing.


While I believe that letting Scioscia go would be possibly the biggest mistake the Angels can make (simply because he's better than any possible replacement that could be named) the fact is, the drumbeat this season is louder than I've ever heard before, and I don't think anyone can deny the fact that the Angels just flat out stink this season again and are highly unlikely to make the playoffs yet again this season, despite there being an extra setting at the table called the Playoffs one game wildcard.


Personally, more than Scioscia, I blame both Arturo and Jerry.  Arturo for backing up the Brinks truck on Hamilton and Jerry for the way he went about building the pitching staff.


Right now, there's nothing working.  The starters are giving up too many runs early, the offense is not producing, the baserunning is out of control, the bullpen is blowing too many leads, the defense looks like the Bad News Bears, the coaching looks like the Marx Brothers, and there doesn't appear to be a player in the dugout who's stepping up in a leadership role.  I would not be surprised if we don't see a couple of players come to fisticuffs over the course of the next week.


This thing is like watching a Nascar wreck in extremely slow motion.


So, yeah, there's going to be a scapegoat, and the likelyhood that it's Scioscia is high, but the reality is, to me it looks like Scioscia is the victim of situations beyond his control.  The front office is letting him down, the players are letting him down, and he's doing the best he can with a shit sandwich he just took a big bite of.


The problem with Scioscia is Arte giving him the ten year contract. 10 years is a long time and the dynamics of an organization change over time. Scioscia's not necessarily a bad manager so much as he's a bad fit for the organization as it is today. 

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My guess is that the Angels are looking for a Home win before sending Scioscia packing.


While I believe that letting Scioscia go would be possibly the biggest mistake the Angels can make (simply because he's better than any possible replacement that could be named) the fact is, the drumbeat this season is louder than I've ever heard before, and I don't think anyone can deny the fact that the Angels just flat out stink this season again and are highly unlikely to make the playoffs yet again this season, despite there being an extra setting at the table called the Playoffs one game wildcard.


Personally, more than Scioscia, I blame both Arturo and Jerry.  Arturo for backing up the Brinks truck on Hamilton and Jerry for the way he went about building the pitching staff.


Right now, there's nothing working.  The starters are giving up too many runs early, the offense is not producing, the baserunning is out of control, the bullpen is blowing too many leads, the defense looks like the Bad News Bears, the coaching looks like the Marx Brothers, and there doesn't appear to be a player in the dugout who's stepping up in a leadership role.  I would not be surprised if we don't see a couple of players come to fisticuffs over the course of the next week.


This thing is like watching a Nascar wreck in extremely slow motion.


So, yeah, there's going to be a scapegoat, and the likelyhood that it's Scioscia is high, but the reality is, to me it looks like Scioscia is the victim of situations beyond his control.  The front office is letting him down, the players are letting him down, and he's doing the best he can with a shit sandwich he just took a big bite of.

So....the baserunning is out of control, and the coaching looks like the Marx Brothers?


How is that the fault of Dipoto or Moreno?


The pitching staff has underperformed compared to their career stats, so has much of the lineup. That's not on anybody but the players themselves, and those that SHOULD be coaching them.


How long can Scioscia ride on his now 11-year old coattails? Great, he managed ONE World Series team. Eleven years ago. That does not give him a pass.

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The patchwork moves with the rotation are among the most head scratching.  The off-season moves weren't really even sideways moves.  They were just sort of 'whatever' moves.  I expected more from Dipoto for how studious he seems to be, and i keep thinking he knows more than me and there's a longer vision here beyond my scope. 


I can't make sense of getting rid of Haren, who is basically CJ Wilson.  Both enigmas.  I don't understand Greinke not being pursued more, despite the cost.  He was probably less of a risk than Hamiltoe, all things considered.  Suddenly we have the Mariners front office, circa 2009.


What's remarkable is that the team showed its colors in Spring Training and nothing was done, short of signing some journeyman minor leaguers.  Throw in the abuse of the Disabled List and well, surprise surprise, the Angels suck. 


And we're gonna fire Scioscia?

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So....the baserunning is out of control, and the coaching looks like the Marx Brothers?


How is that the fault of Dipoto or Moreno?


The pitching staff has underperformed compared to their career stats, so has much of the lineup. That's not on anybody but the players themselves, and those that SHOULD be coaching them.


How long can Scioscia ride on his now 11-year old coattails? Great, he managed ONE World Series team. Eleven years ago. That does not give him a pass.



1. The pitching staff sucks......that is on Dipoto

2. The team has one of the highest payroll in the majors and their highest paid players:  Pujols and Hamilton are not delivering.  That is on Dipoto and Moreno

3.  The Bullpen sucks for the third straight season:  That is entirely on Dipoto


4.  Yes, you can blame the base running on Scioscia if you want.  


Of the four issues I have up here, please rank in order why the Angels are bad this year?

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Let's put this in perspective:


Scioscia won one World Series, eleven years ago. His teams have underperformed for three years plus one month now, but he gets a free pass because of what happened eleven years ago?


Francona won TWO World Series for a team that hadn't won one in 86 years. He won one 4 years before he was dismissed because of ONE BAD MONTH.

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So....the baserunning is out of control, and the coaching looks like the Marx Brothers?


How is that the fault of Dipoto or Moreno?


The pitching staff has underperformed compared to their career stats, so has much of the lineup. That's not on anybody but the players themselves, and those that SHOULD be coaching them.


How long can Scioscia ride on his now 11-year old coattails? Great, he managed ONE World Series team. Eleven years ago. That does not give him a pass.


Yes, but you managed to pick the two things that Scioscia is responsible for and even those are debatable.  The runners are making mental mistakes on the basepaths on a spur of the moment basis on their own as well as the coaches sending runners a base too far.  The coaching staff errors are directly attributable to Scioscia, but the players have to take credit for their play as well as the front office needs to take credit for the tools they gave to Scioscia to work with.


No one is blameless, of course.  But the narrow-minded focus that replacing Scioscia would somehow miraculously cure the rest of the ills of this team is both ignorant and short-sighted.


This team is, top to bottom, horrendous.  The manager, whomever he is, can only do so much.  I just find it ironic that those that are so hell bent to blame Scioscia on every ill of this team don't ever want to give him credit for the teams successes.  In their minds, if the Angels lose, it's because of Scioscia, if the Angels win, it's despite Scioscia.


Try a little objectivism, please.

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I think Scioscias ho hum we will get them tomorrow mentality has rubbed off on this team. The team needs a leader, whether a veteran player or a vocal coach. Sometimes a new voice is necessary to get that fire started. A change in coach is now overdue. Not sure who would be a good replacement, but Larry Bowa is a fiery guy who could get this club going although a .490 career win percentage won't satisfy most people here. While they are at it, replace Butcher and bring Mike Hampton from AA to be the pitching coach.

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Scioscia isn't going to be fired. If he is would Scioscia get paid by the Angels through 2018 + by the next organization that hires him? Or, if he was fired, would the Angels only have to pay him the difference between his Angels contract - new contract annual salary, if he was paid less by another organization?

Moreno is the problem. Can't fire the owner.

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1. The pitching staff sucks......that is on Dipoto

2. The team has one of the highest payroll in the majors and their highest paid players:  Pujols and Hamilton are not delivering.  That is on Dipoto and Moreno

3.  The Bullpen sucks for the third straight season:  That is entirely on Dipoto


4.  Yes, you can blame the base running on Scioscia if you want.  


Of the four issues I have up here, please rank in order why the Angels are bad this year?

If the pitching staff was performing anywhere close to their career norms, this season would be going much better. That is not on Dipoto.

The Hamilton signing, if it was Dipoto's idea, is certainly on him.

The overuse of the DL is not on Dipoto or Scioscia.

The lack of adjustments being made by the players is on the players themselves, but also on the coaching staff and Scioscia.

Bad baserunning: all Scioscia.


IF Hamilton was Dipoto's idea, then he shot himself in the foot in terms of allocating enough of the budget to spend on pitchers, but let's remember how the market looked after Greinke signed with the Dodgers. A bunch of back end of the rotation starters, of which he signed two and traded for one. And with the uncertainty of how Weaver will perform once he comes off the DL, two of those three guys might end up being the most consistent starters on this team (Vargas and Hanson). The other showed what he is capable of giving us last night and did not deserve to lose the game. Now, if he can just continue pitching like he did last night...


Downs' continued inconsistency is not on Dipoto.

Burnett being on the DL is not on Dipoto or Scioscia. When not on the DL, he has been a plus for Dipoto.

Frieri, while inconsistent, has been one of our best relievers. That is a plus for Dipoto.

Jepsen has been Jekyll and Hyde and is now on the DL. If he is really the pitcher we saw last half last year, then Dipoto will look good for counting on him. If he is really what we've seen thus far this year (possibly injured much of it) or the first part of last year, then Dipoto's gonna look bad for relying on him.


I think a lot of Dipoto's legacy will be tied to how Madson pitches when we finally get him.


The scrubs we've actually had to rely upon from SLC and Arkansas to fill bullpen slots have been simply because we have no pitching depth in the minors. That is certainly not on Dipoto, unless you count not having Hellweg (or Roach) as being part of that problem. Dipoto has been here for little more than a year now, and restocking the depth in the minors will take time. Especially when we are lacking in draft picks due to the signings of Pujols, Wilson, and now Hamilton. Yes, Dipoto is responsible for that, but I wonder if he's been given a directive to win now. If so, that's on Arte.


But they are still underperforming and not making adjustments (I'm looking at you, Josh Hamilton), and at some point, coaching needs to step in and help the players adjust.


On paper, this is still one of the best teams in the American League. They haven't played like it. How on EARTH is that Dipoto's fault?

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Yes, but you managed to pick the two things that Scioscia is responsible for and even those are debatable.  The runners are making mental mistakes on the basepaths on a spur of the moment basis on their own as well as the coaches sending runners a base too far.  The coaching staff errors are directly attributable to Scioscia, but the players have to take credit for their play as well as the front office needs to take credit for the tools they gave to Scioscia to work with.


No one is blameless, of course.  But the narrow-minded focus that replacing Scioscia would somehow miraculously cure the rest of the ills of this team is both ignorant and short-sighted.


This team is, top to bottom, horrendous.  The manager, whomever he is, can only do so much.  I just find it ironic that those that are so hell bent to blame Scioscia on every ill of this team don't ever want to give him credit for the teams successes.  In their minds, if the Angels lose, it's because of Scioscia, if the Angels win, it's despite Scioscia.


Try a little objectivism, please.


What success are you talking about!? We have missed the playoffs the past three seasons and will miss this year too. Scioscia is the only thing this organization has not changed since its' decline. 


So since Scioscia was successful 5 years ago we should be blinded by the fact that we have under performed the last 4 years? 

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Was at the bank the other day with an Angel hat on, and the teller counting my money told me her husband was talking about getting rid of Scioscia because of how poorly they've been playing. So yeah, I'd say theres a little talk about it going on locally. 


Not sure if firing Skip is the solution, but these guys sure need a fire lit under their ass. 


Somebody needs to tell the team that this type of performance and mental lapse will not go unpunished. 

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