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North Las Vegas teacher justifies sex with student because she was 18

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11 hours ago, cezero said:

any type of fraternization with students is something that cannot be tolerated.

federal law mandates a free education for any student who needs it up to the age of 21. whether the student was at the age of consent for sex is a completely separate issue from abuse of power and/or fraternization with those we're supposed to be educating. 

when in doubt, read your contract and familiarize yourself with federal law.

Does it have a hotness clause?

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some 20 years ago we had a female student start dating the high school art teacher. he got fired, they got married, and they ended up having at least a couple of kids together. i don't think they're still together. meanwhile, she's had four more kids since.

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4 hours ago, Tank said:

some 20 years ago we had a female student start dating the high school art teacher. he got fired, they got married, and they ended up having at least a couple of kids together. i don't think they're still together. meanwhile, she's had four more kids since.

A woman who I went to high school with hastily married one of my high school classmates (she wasn't pregnant, as far as I know), and the marriage didn't last for long. She then married one of our former English teachers. I never found out how that relationship came about, or whether she hooked up with him during school. Seemed like an odd match.

Update: Found his Facebook page, and he's married to someone else.

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2 hours ago, mrwicked said:

my hs ap computer science teacher got busted for sodomizing a former student right after we graduated. pretty sure it was during the summer after she graduated though, and she was of age, so not sure why that's illegal. but probably part of the contract as cez mentions.

If she was no longer a student, I don't see how the contract applied unless there was a clause about contact for a certain period of time following graduation.

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13 hours ago, red321 said:

Does it have a hotness clause?

Asking the real questions. Where's her picture? This is the only thing I care about. I bet it's a white chick. They're really digging black dick more than ever these days it seems. 

12 hours ago, Tank said:

some 20 years ago we had a female student start dating the high school art teacher. he got fired, they got married, and they ended up having at least a couple of kids together. i don't think they're still together. meanwhile, she's had four more kids since.

Jesus f**king christ what is wrong with these women, popping out kids left and right like their ovaries are about to expire? Do they just see dollar signs in the form of child support, do they not believe in birth control? Am I the only one who doesn't want to look after a bunch of little shits for 18 years after each one pops out, or is this the only thing left they have to live for? Holy hell it bugs the crap out of me. What is going on in these women's minds? Crazy. I don't get it. 

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