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USA Today Column: Gosnell's abortion atrocities no 'aberration'

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"Hawkins described the licensed medical professional as laughing at her during the procedure as she cried and begged him to stop because of the pain. "Stop being a baby," he said.


Hawkins experienced betrayal anew when she read the grand jury report replete with testimony of government officials admitting they ignored repeated complaints about Gosnell because they didn't want to limit access to abortion. ...


Pennsylvania Planned Parenthood representative Dayle Steinberg has admitted that its officials knew the clinic was unsafe after women complained. What did they do? "We would always encourage them to report it to the Department of Health."



Clearly Gosnell was just doing his compassionate duty of upholding women's rights, alongside the government officials and Planned Parenthood employees who covered it up. 

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After he snipped a live baby's spinal cord and it was writhing on the table, he joked with a staffer, "that's what you call a chicken with its head cut off!"


Another baby was so big that he said it could walk him to the bus.


He kept the feet of many babies in jars on the shelf. Other babies were found frozen in the refrigerator.



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