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Closed Door Meeting #6,489,431

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Scioscia gives boring responses and people hate it, Albert snaps and gives edgy responses and people hate it.

Scioscia's 'boring responses' are of minimal concern to me, but you realize it's possible to give a not-boring response without being a d*ck, right?


Also, people like different things. Some want taxes to go up, some want them to go down. So I find the whole "people complain either way" stuff to be nonsense. Some people complain over some things, some over others.

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That is false.  The mang does great things off the field.


It's possible to be a generous person and host charitable events yet still be a douche.


#throwstrikes #zoomzoom

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Scioscia's 'boring responses' are of minimal concern to me, but you realize it's possible to give a not-boring response without being a d*ck, right?


Also, people like different things. Some want taxes to go up, some want them to go down. So I find the whole "people complain either way" stuff to be nonsense. Some people complain over some things, some over others.

People want taxes to go up?

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