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Trout pressing?

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Anyone here think that Trout's overall poor performance since the all star break is a result of him pressing, due to the pressure of the stretch run and the magnitude of these games? 


Him swinging on that 3-1 pitch, when it was a ball and as others here have noted, an attempt to "unintentionally " intentionally walk him, seems to show that he is just trying too hard. 


Of course, the decrease in his numbers is also impacted by pitchers throwing him high heat more often and studying the data on him that piles up with each at bat. 


I personally think the guy needs to chill out for a day or something and finally realize that others on this team are contributing (perhaps for the first time in his tenure with the team).


The team will ultimately go as he goes, but there are some guys really stepping up, like Pujols, Howie, Aybar, Calhoun and Ianetta. 





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Actually the opposite. The team isn't going as he goes. He's had a tough aug and sep but he's battling.

Hate to ruin your cliche but other guys are picking him up. That's what winning teams do.


The pitching has done a lot to carry this team. The offense is starting to show signs of life after almost two months of slumber.

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He has swing path issues. He has grooved his swing to hit downward breaking off speed stuff, and now the whole world knows it. Getting nothing but fastballs in and up and he can't flatten out his swing plane to adjust. He has work to do in the offseason. I counted at least 7 fastballs right down the pipe that he was under or late on tonight. And they weren't even high velocity.

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To start the last homestand against the A's he was hitting the ball to the right side making things happen. That hasn't been his approach the last few games.



He has swing path issues. He has grooved his swing to hit downward breaking off speed stuff, and now the whole world knows it. Getting nothing but fastballs in and up and he can't flatten out his swing plane to adjust. He has work to do in the offseason. I counted at least 7 fastballs right down the pipe that he was under or late on tonight. And they weren't even high velocity.



both of these.  He's bailing out with his front side.  he has been all season actually.  He had a flatter swing his first two years and this year he's trying to pull the ball in the air and his hit rate to the right side is horrible with tons of pop outs. 


He made an unnecessary adjustment.  In my opinion it was because of the long ball.  He created a hole in his swing that is exploitable because the pitch he can't hit is a strike.  I'd rather see him hitting the ball hard the other way even if he loses 5 hrs a year.   It was always a hole, but his new approach has made it bigger. 

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