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Photos of the Salton Sea

Guest blue123

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Wow, funny you should ask.


I've been putting together this slide show for awhile. For those of you who have never been to the Salton Sea, it's quite an amazing place. During the 70's it was called the California Riveria and the thought was it would be a major resort/destination area along with Palm Springs. Cities were constructed, roads were laid out...and people forgot one simple thing...the sea itself is a hazardous waste dump. It has no natural outlets, or inlets. It only came back to existence after a dike burst back in the early 1900's. Fascinating place. 


Feedback, as always, is appreciated. Still not sure how much I like this google curation tool, for some photos it shows them as blown up, others it doesn't, and there is no rhyme or reason I can find on why. On the plus side, google folks did reach out to me and wanted to see if I wanted to have some of my photos included in their chrome cast Art Kick app...which might be pretty cool.



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Schil - there are towns along the lake that are abandoned, or almost completely abandoned.






If you look at the google map of the area, it's creepy...not as creepy as driving through the area, but creepy none the less. You can see where the laid out the streets, put fire hydrants, road signs, etc. They blocked out a city for 20,000+ people. And yet there is one house on a block and you drive 4 blocks before you see another one. Some clusters you have green lawns, others just trash. On the east side of the lake there are whole blocks that were flooded and they just abandoned. Trailers and buildings are half buried in mud. The "sand" along the shores of Bombay Beach...are actually just ground up fish bone...and if you go at the right time the shoreline is just tens of thousands of dead fish.



Edited by red321
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I read an interesting article once that surveyed a group of Californians.  Most of them did not know the Salton Sea existed.  Those who knew about the Salton Sea were asked to compare its size with other lakes and something like 99% of the participants were not even close. 


I get a kick out of knowing the Salton Sea is ten miles longer (35 miles) than the distance from Long Beach to Catalina. 

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I read an interesting article once that surveyed a group of Californians.  Most of them did not know the Salton Sea existed.  Those who knew about the Salton Sea were asked to compare its size with other lakes and something like 99% of the participants were not even close. 


I get a kick out of knowing the Salton Sea is ten miles longer (35 miles) than the distance from Long Beach to Catalina. 


Holy crap...reading wikipedia (so it must be true!)...the original flooding that recreated the Salton Sea set of a series of events that led to the building of the Hoover Dam.

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sean, i find your photos quite disturbing and melancholy, but in a joyful sort of way. clearly, there is a burgeois slant to how you shoot, but i am most disturbed and excited by the fact you must have a lazy eye. either that, or you intentionally are trying to rip off annie lebowitz, though in nature. 


and please, for the love of mike, more cats. society demands it.

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There used to be a town named Westmoreland near the Salton Sea. We stayed at an old hotel near there to go duck hunting. It was nasty back then around the mid 70's.


On maps.  33.037318, -115.621080


And you all are right, creepy, and yet there is stuff there . Looks like a lot of farmland.  But it strange that one area near Salton Sea where you can see it was a master planned community just empty.


This looks like it was going to be the high school with the baseball and football fields. 33.223625, -115.566714

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Funny ou


Great work Sean. If you haven't done so already, you should take a drive up the 395 and photograph Johansburg(sp??) and some of the town's in the Owens Valley.


Funny you should mention that...actually packing up the trailer to head up 395 tomorrow morning. Will be in the mountains above Bishop, more of a fishing trip but I should get some camera time in. I think you are thinking of Randsberg.

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Living in the desert, the Salton Sea is kind of a joke out here. A few times a year you can smell it all throughout the Coachella Valley... smells like sulfur/rotten eggs. It would be rad if someone invested some significant money into it to resurrect it as a tourist spot.

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