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Ranger fans just can't wait....

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This is what the Rangers Organization does with former players.  They vilify them.  Look at how they treated Michael Young.  That guy played his heart out for that team.  Just watch...Cruz and Kinsler will be next.  


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What's missing in all this is that the Ranger fans are behaving exactly how Nolan Ryan and Jon Daniels were hoping they would.  it was a gamble to save money and not re-sign Hamilton, which, judging by the boo-hoo'ing of all the Ranger fans, has paid off. 


A collective "Phew" from Ryan and Daniels.

uh what?

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Rangers fans knew Josh wasn't coming back so they created all this crap to hate him on the way out. Hating a guy because of his faith is pathetic. He has also been forthcoming with his drug addiction to the public and NOW Rangers fans want to hold it against him. Rangers fans are embarrassing themselves in front of the world. Hope they keep it up. Washington also has battled with drugs but fans aren't holding that against him...at least until he leaves.


People here did it to Francisco Rodriguez, John Lackey, and Vladimir Guerrerro. Only one of those three would be welcomed back with almost unanimous cheers.

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Maybe I can help out here. I am a Rangers fan and I'm not here to troll. I'm also not trading jabs or insults with anyone so don't try. I was just trying to see what the mindset was out in LA. The thing with Josh is not about he money or where he went or any of that. It's the difference between watching highlights on ESPN and watching this guy for 162 games. ESPN shows the home run derby and the World Series home run and that's great. Guy's an MVP caliber player. But when you watch him for 182 games, you notice things. Like, for a third of the season the guy's is gonna be hurt. For another third, he's not mentally there. He drank a Red Bull or he can't see the ball. He has a relapse or he put a dip in. Or God just told him to let a fly ball drop or something. It's always something with Josh. Take that for what it's worth. The guy is going to drive you nuts. Respect you guys and hoping for a great year. I won't say I'm glad he's gone, but I'm definitly glad we didn't give him $125 mil.

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Maybe I can help out here. I am a Rangers fan and I'm not here to troll. I'm also not trading jabs or insults with anyone so don't try. I was just trying to see what the mindset was out in LA. The thing with Josh is not about he money or where he went or any of that. It's the difference between watching highlights on ESPN and watching this guy for 182 games. ESPN shows the home run derby and the World Series home run and that's great. Guy's an MVP caliber player. But when you watch him for 182 games, you notice things. Like, for a third of the season the guy's is gonna be hurt. For another third, he's not mentally there. He drank a Red Bull or he can't see the ball. He has a relapse or he put a dip in. Or God just told him to let a fly ball drop or something. It's always something with Josh. Take that for what it's worth. The guy is going to drive you nuts. Respect you guys and hoping for a great year. I won't say I'm glad he's gone, but I'm definitly glad we didn't give him $125 mil.


Yet your GM was butthurt because Hamilton didn't give them a call before he signed with the Angels. 


I don't care about all the in between stuff. If his numbers are there at season end and he's helped this team get to postseason, it's $125 million well spent.

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Yet your GM was butthurt because Hamilton didn't give them a call before he signed with the Angels. 


I don't care about all the in between stuff. If his numbers are there at season end and he's helped this team get to postseason, it's $125 million well spent.

That's simply not true. I challenge you to find me one quote from JD saying he had an issue with that. The general thought (and it is admittedly an assumption because no one really knows) is that the Angels offered Josh a deal and said take it or leave it. They would not let him take the deal back to Texas and let them counter. That's smart business. That's exactly how I would have handled the situation. It was almost common knowldege that JD and the Rangers were not going to pay him that kind of money. So the option to take the deal back to Texas would have probably been a mute point anyway. Some misinformed Rangers fans have taken issue with him telling JD they "would have a chance to match". Daniels himself has said publically that such a conversation never happened and he had no issue with the way that went down. Fact is, if they really wanted to keep him, Texas had many chances to extend him before he was on the open market. That's on the Rangers. It wasn't worth that kind of money to the Rangers. It obviously was to LA. And there's nothing wrong with that. That's the business side of it. If you want to debate players, contracts, front offices, or baseball in general, I'll be glad to do that. But if you are just going to make things up, please find a Rangers fan as misinformed as you are. I can assure you there are plenty of them out there.

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I thought the Rangers were smart for not re-signing him at that money and years.    Angels may in fact waste a couple of Trout's prime years as Hamilton and Pujols decline and the money increases.

That's a fair point. That's a decision that every front office has to make though. The Angels are in "win now" mode and Hamilton and Pujols can both help them do that. Is the trade off of Hamilton/Pujols at an elite level with Trout for the next year or two worth not being able to put as much talent around him a few years down the road? Only the front office can decide that.

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I gotta say i love how Hamilton still sticking it to texas lmao.

Im canadian and angels fan. Live in winnipeg wee r full of chants i thought texas was funny giving it to hamilon. It dont bother me... Im gonna love it when hamilton cranks homer against em...thatll piss texas right off...or game winning hit...epic.

Enjoy it halos..its fun. Part if possible new rival. We should come back with something against texas player...lets high kick this rivalry.

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Nice edit, but you missed the 2nd one Typo indeed.

I think back to the Anger fan who called MLB Radio after the baseball town comment, insisting that DFW was a baseball town and told of how they were going to boo him when he stepped up to "home base" in Texas.

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I was at the game and I booed Hamilton....I also cheered when he struck out.......and again when he struck out.


If the Rangers had wanted to kepp Hamilton they could have thrown money at him and done so. They didn't, he is an injury risk, not a great clubhouse guy, and a headcase. He had an amazing first half of last season, but some switch flipped and he was done. He didn't even seem to care that he was struggling though. Lazy in the outfield, pathetic ABs, being very secretive about his issues in the media until he ultimately said that it was just god punishing him for sneaking a dip.


The whole situation was frustrating because we knew his potential. We have seen him do incredible things. His August 13, 2010 game against the Red Sox was the best individual performance I have ever seen from a player. He hit four HRs in a single game. On the flip side, he would turn into Manny Rameriz on defense. He would non-chalantly go up to bat with a toothpick in his mouth and miss three straight pitches by a total of 6 feet smile and walk back to the dugout. He quit on the rangers not the other way around.


As far as the baseball town thing goes. It was a statement made to ruffle feathers and it was a statement made with the sole intention of getting himself booed. He could have chose to leave on good terms, get an ad in the paper say thanks for the memories and for most fans that would have been enough. He wanted the attention, he wanted the spotlight and he got it. He will play in Texas close to 50 more times in his career so there is plenty of time for this to develop hopefully into a non-story.


My opinion on whether or not this is a "baseball town"....not really, but its getting there. There are a lot of diehards such as myself, but if I had to lable it a sports town it would be football. That said we put about 3.5 million fans in the stands last year and its hard to argue that we don't care about our baseball team.

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I was at the game and I booed Hamilton....I also cheered when he struck out.......and again when he struck out.


If the Rangers had wanted to kepp Hamilton they could have thrown money at him and done so. They didn't, he is an injury risk, not a great clubhouse guy, and a headcase. He had an amazing first half of last season, but some switch flipped and he was done. He didn't even seem to care that he was struggling though. Lazy in the outfield, pathetic ABs, being very secretive about his issues in the media until he ultimately said that it was just god punishing him for sneaking a dip.


The whole situation was frustrating because we knew his potential. We have seen him do incredible things. His August 13, 2010 game against the Red Sox was the best individual performance I have ever seen from a player. He hit four HRs in a single game. On the flip side, he would turn into Manny Rameriz on defense. He would non-chalantly go up to bat with a toothpick in his mouth and miss three straight pitches by a total of 6 feet smile and walk back to the dugout. He quit on the rangers not the other way around.


As far as the baseball town thing goes. It was a statement made to ruffle feathers and it was a statement made with the sole intention of getting himself booed. He could have chose to leave on good terms, get an ad in the paper say thanks for the memories and for most fans that would have been enough. He wanted the attention, he wanted the spotlight and he got it. He will play in Texas close to 50 more times in his career so there is plenty of time for this to develop hopefully into a non-story.


My opinion on whether or not this is a "baseball town"....not really, but its getting there. There are a lot of diehards such as myself, but if I had to lable it a sports town it would be football. That said we put about 3.5 million fans in the stands last year and its hard to argue that we don't care about our baseball team.


I'll handle this for you guys...


It's "Ramirez" ...lol g'doy!!

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I'm trying to break down the reason for hating on Hamilton.  This is a three paragraph negative post on Hamilton but the only thing I'm seeing for your reasoning is that he's a "ridiculously obnoxious dbag."  Under that criteria, you must hate Jimmy Fallon and Lena Dunham (which I would understand).


I don't really have an opinion on Hamilton other than he needs to hit more than he's shown.  So, I'm not really taking sides here.  Just looking to see what defines him as a ridiculously obnoxious dbag, and why we will hate him as much as you seem to. 


Like you, I failed to find a reason that we will wind up hating Hamilton after reading the post. The reaction of the Dallas area media - one writer even celebrated when he didn't get a hit in his first spring training game for us - seems more like people bitter over him leaving than people glad to see him leave. It reminds me a lot of the reaction of St. Louis fans when Albert Pujols came here. They gloated every time he didn't produce, then in the next breath said that they were glad he was gone. They were obsessed.


Hamilton gave Texas five seasons. They didn't seem to have a problem with him until he left. It's like children throwing a tantrum. When his contract ran out, their front office treated him like they wanted him to find another offer. He did, then they acted shocked because he didn't come to them first.


If Texas fans want to spend all their energy hating a player who left for another club, here's hoping that this is the most significant thing they have to think about in 2013.

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It was brutal yesterday.  Vargas looked good which was a positive.  Ended up down the line in rt. close to Hamilton.  Berkman hit a blooper that seemed Kendrick got in the way but was a hard play for a double, then Hamilton could not get Gentry out at home.  This is when I was informed I would soon learn why he is the worst right fielder in all of baseball.  LOL, I have a long list of Hamilton funsies I got to hear.

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Luckily I only had Friday and Sunday tics.  Hopefully we win today.  I am still 0-fer there except the time I went with Chuck. I think it is because Chuck got such great seats, every other time I end up in the Larry the Cable Guy section. 

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