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Garret Richards

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Living on the east coast I don't get to see many Angels games, but watching them tonight I must say that I'm very impressed with Garret Richards. I've seen him pitch before, but he was more erratic; now he seems to be settling down a bit and looks terrific. I still don't think he'll be a true #1 pitcher, but now I see him as maturing into a true #2 ala CJ Wilson at his best. He has a great arsenal - all that is keeping him from that level is consistency and mental resiliency. But he is very, very close, and from his numbers so far may even be there already.


(This was written after 6 innings, so don't blame me if he implodes in the 7th...regardless, my impression stands)

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Dude has been filthy.

Was he this unhittable at any point last year?

i feel like i remember him looking like this on occasion. what always used to get me about him was that it seemed like either he would show up or he wouldn't. like, one day he would come out and look like an ace, and the next day he would just be all over the place with his control. didn't really appear to have much to do with who he was facing. so, i've always thought of him as the guy who is a little bit of consistent control away from being an AMAZING pitcher. so...that appears to be what we have here.

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I thought Richards would be a #3 type guy at his best and I was optimistic about him. He's blowing any projections out of the water right now. He's been downright unhittable and he's striking guys out, which he hasn't done in the past. His main issue has been command and he only walked 2 tonight.


Fun stuff from Garrett. 

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He's always had the filthy stuff, it was all about being able to control it. He looks like he's turning a corner. But like I stated in previous threads, we need to stick with him even when he hits some rough patches because they're bound to happen.  Hopefully he can keep this up though. He's been an excellent surprise so far.

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