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Jon Stewart Grills Pelosi On Why Obamacare Website Failed: "I Don't Know... It's Not My Responsibility"


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I would have been equally (or more?) entertained had Stewart asked Pelosi about her pandering to lobbyists/fundraisers and her raping of House and Senate rules to make a ton of money on the side.  I would've asked how she can explain all this while beating the drum of supposedly looking out for the underpriveledged and economically challenged.


Pelosi represents the very worst of California and Washington politics.  If you voted for her, I urge you to study her past and present.

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I think lost in the conversation was Stewart posing the question as to how can we trust Congress to pass sweeping legislation that is obviously penned by corporations. That the corruption of even a good idea makes it worse for all. Her response was Congress can't be accountable for implementation.

Let them eat cake.

Edited by Eric Notti
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I don't get it.  Women are a minority in politics and yet the Democrats produce some of the stupidest female politicians you'll ever meet -- and they make them the face of their party.  Nancy Pelosi getting elected is one thing but making her Speaker of the House will never cease to amaze me. 


Nancy Pelosi

Dianne Feinstein

Barbara Boxer

Loretta Sanchez

Hillary Clinton is smarter than all of the above combined, but that's not saying much!


In all fairness, Sarah Palin is no rocket scientist either but it seems like the women who belong to the Republican party are generally more intelligent. 

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