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Sheriff Joe Arpaio puts inmates on bread and water diet for destroying American flag

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio puts inmates on bread and water diet for destroying American flag


Sheriff Joe Arpaio, of Maricopa County, told the news agency that 38 inmates in six different jails were getting meals of bread and water twice daily – the punishment for destroying government property while in custody.


“These inmates have destroyed the American flag that was placed in their cells. Tearing them, writing on them, stepping on them, throwing them in the toilet, trash or wherever they feel,” Arpaio said in a statement. “It's a disgrace to those who have fought for our country.”


Arpaio said the punishment will last seven days; a second offense would bring 10 additional days of the bread-and-water diet.

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I think it is a great idea. Better would be to teach them how to make their bread so at least they would have a skill when they get out and pick up some cool job at Subway. You all know what happened to Mrwicked when his resume was trash canned. He had to go work at some company doing high end computer security. Boring.

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I don't really side with criminals on these kinds of things. Is Sheriff Joe an attention whore? Absolutely, but if you don't want to be treated like this then it is pretty simple, don't go to jail. Do, I think he should treat the weed guys the same as the hard core criminal, probably not.


Good thing innocent people never go there.

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I'm sure it's the innocent people doing shit to the flag.


That wasn't your argument though, was it?  You said if you don't want to complain about jail conditions don't get sent there.  My response was to that.  Is it common sense to put any thing that is of value in prison cells?  

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