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Suk Min Yoon


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We should keep in mind, the market goes up every year for Asian SP and Cuban OF.  It's been a long road, but most recently the successes of both Darvish and Ryu will likely cause more of a bidding frenzy for Yoon than there would've been 5 years ago, which also means more money.  He may not be as good as Ryu, but I wouldn't doubt for a minute that he won't get the same money. 

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Is he a free agent, or a posting like situation?  


If he's a free agent, then $30-50 doesn't sound bad.  If this is the right guy, 




They don't have much information on him.  But in his 22 and 23 year old seasons, not too bad in IP.  Looking at that video, his pitches seem a bit flat and in the zone.  The last batter or two he was down in the zone.  Guess it'll be up to the scouts.  

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Is he a free agent, or a posting like situation?

If he's a free agent, then $30-50 doesn't sound bad. If this is the right guy,


They don't have much information on him. But in his 22 and 23 year old seasons, not too bad in IP. Looking at that video, his pitches seem a bit flat and in the zone. The last batter or two he was down in the zone. Guess it'll be up to the scouts.

You mean it isn't up to the AngelsWin community?

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