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JC Gutirriez is terrible, Blanton is obviously terrible, Maronde is still broken, Kohn is bleh

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Still like Kohn long-term but yeah.


Give Morin and Berg a shot.

Kohn is terrible. This entire pitching staff needs an overhaul.


How do you figure?

He's not consistent, and he has a 7.71 ERA (2.1 IP) in the last week. He's screwed up quite a few games as of late. But I guess he's good relative to the rest of the hacks in the bullpen.


This pitching staff brings the lolz.

Might as well give Hilly Hathaway and Jack Lazorko a call at this point. Couldn't be any worse.


Butcher walked more batters than he struck out in half his seasons in the league.

He's just teaching what he knows.

Can we replace this clown before subjecting more young relief pitchers to his "guidance"?

Or maybe we can continue to believe that every relief pitcher called up for several years is just completely unable to locate their pitches.


Smiling all the way to the bank

That picture will live in infamy.


Four pitchers.


One terrible, one demoted to AAA, one released without ever throwing a pitch, and one possibly returning sometime in the next decade.


Somebody give me their honest opinion of what is going to happen once the season is over. If Arte really cares about this team he will kick some of these jackasses to the curb. What do you guys think?


Somebody give me their honest opinion of what is going to happen once the season is over. If Arte really cares about this team he will kick some of these jackasses to the curb. What do you guys think?


Arte has dropped over 350 million on player the last few years...do you really think he doesn't care?

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