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  • Swordsman78 changed the title to Compensation for Angel Fans
11 minutes ago, Swordsman78 said:

Some guys on here are saying that Arte and the Angel execs don't "Owe" anything to anyone by way of an explanation for losing Ohtani, or even address how they will aggressively make up for the loss.

IMO this is taking advantage of the Loyal Angel fan base.  The band wagon fans have already left and are ordering Dodger Blue jerseys, and subscribing to Direct TV for the upcoming season.

Hell yes Arte owes the happy few remaining loyal Angel fans SOMETHING.

IMO A good gesture would be a free beer or hotdog coupon with every ticket for the non weekend games in April and May.   ANYTHING to show he understands how devastating losing Ohtani is from a Angel Fan Perspective.   Arte should provide solace for all the humiliation we will endure from ESPN to Dodger fans, to every team fans.

 I can hear the chants now.   " YOU LOST OHTANI clap clap, clap clap clap.  "Red Rover Red Rover, let Ohtani come over".   "Hey Angel fans, how do you say DEUCES in Japanese?"


Would some kind of gesture to the fan base be appropriate?   Would some kind of gesture be fitting?   Chime in.

Get some help.

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47 minutes ago, Swordsman78 said:

Some guys on here are saying that Arte and the Angel execs don't "Owe" anything to anyone by way of an explanation for losing Ohtani, or even address how they will aggressively make up for the loss.

IMO this is taking advantage of the Loyal Angel fan base.  The band wagon fans have already left and are ordering Dodger Blue jerseys, and subscribing to Direct TV for the upcoming season.

Hell yes Arte owes the happy few remaining loyal Angel fans SOMETHING.

IMO A good gesture would be a free beer or hotdog coupon with every ticket for the non weekend games in April and May.   ANYTHING to show he understands how devastating losing Ohtani is from a Angel Fan Perspective.   Arte should provide solace for all the humiliation we will endure from ESPN to Dodger fans, to every team fans.

 I can hear the chants now.   " YOU LOST OHTANI clap clap, clap clap clap.  "Red Rover Red Rover, let Ohtani come over".   "Hey Angel fans, how do you say DEUCES in Japanese?"


Would some kind of gesture to the fan base be appropriate?   Would some kind of gesture be fitting?   Chime in.

I did not think it was possible for you to post anything dumber than some of your Nevin-related content.  I was wrong.

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10 hours ago, Swordsman78 said:

Some guys on here are saying that Arte and the Angel execs don't "Owe" anything to anyone by way of an explanation for losing Ohtani, or even address how they will aggressively make up for the loss.

IMO this is taking advantage of the Loyal Angel fan base.  The band wagon fans have already left and are ordering Dodger Blue jerseys, and subscribing to Direct TV for the upcoming season.

Hell yes Arte owes the happy few remaining loyal Angel fans SOMETHING.

IMO A good gesture would be a free beer or hotdog coupon with every ticket for the non weekend games in April and May.   ANYTHING to show he understands how devastating losing Ohtani is from a Angel Fan Perspective.   Arte should provide solace for all the humiliation we will endure from ESPN to Dodger fans, to every team fans.

 I can hear the chants now.   " YOU LOST OHTANI clap clap, clap clap clap.  "Red Rover Red Rover, let Ohtani come over".   "Hey Angel fans, how do you say DEUCES in Japanese?"


Would some kind of gesture to the fan base be appropriate?   Would some kind of gesture be fitting?   Chime in.

You are most certainly the dumbest poster of all time.  And it’s invisible to you.  Textbook Dunning-Kruger.

I guess I thank for you giving something of note to witness.

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11 hours ago, Swordsman78 said:

Some guys on here are saying that Arte and the Angel execs don't "Owe" anything to anyone by way of an explanation for losing Ohtani, or even address how they will aggressively make up for the loss.

IMO this is taking advantage of the Loyal Angel fan base.  The band wagon fans have already left and are ordering Dodger Blue jerseys, and subscribing to Direct TV for the upcoming season.

Hell yes Arte owes the happy few remaining loyal Angel fans SOMETHING.

IMO A good gesture would be a free beer or hotdog coupon with every ticket for the non weekend games in April and May.   ANYTHING to show he understands how devastating losing Ohtani is from a Angel Fan Perspective.   Arte should provide solace for all the humiliation we will endure from ESPN to Dodger fans, to every team fans.

 I can hear the chants now.   " YOU LOST OHTANI clap clap, clap clap clap.  "Red Rover Red Rover, let Ohtani come over".   "Hey Angel fans, how do you say DEUCES in Japanese?"


Would some kind of gesture to the fan base be appropriate?   Would some kind of gesture be fitting?   Chime in.

Might be the most ridiculous post ever.  

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I suggested that a “housefly” emoji be added to be available for these kinds of posts.

It would indicate that you view the post as useless, irrelevant, and annoying.

Basically a housefly buzzing past your ear annoying you while you try to do whatever you are trying to do.



Edited by Dtwncbad
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Sorry @Swordsman78 but even if you shared this with me and we were close friends having a beer at the bar, I would call this stupid. 

Like I said, the Angels forum here is for intelligent or at least engaging conversation, not for ridiculous dumb ass shit. lol

Moving to the Hangout forum. 

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