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Who do you WANT to see win the AL West?


AL West Pole  

22 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you want to see win the AL West?

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At this point it is probably moot: 5-6 games left and the Rangers up be 2.5 or 3 games.  They'd have to really blow it not to win the division.

But to respond to the question, I don't really "hate" any team. After the Angels, I tend to go for underdogs, so I suppose I'd rather see the Rangers or Mariners win the division. Point off for lingering Dipoto rage, so my pick: the Rangers. 


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1 hour ago, Angelsjunky said:

At this point it is probably moot: 5-6 games left and the Rangers up be 2.5 or 3 games.  They'd have to really blow it not to win the division.


I hate the Mariners. And it would be nice to see someone other than Houston.

That said, as much as I couldn't care less for any of them, and as much as I hate the Mariners, if like you said the Rangers shit the bed it would at least be fun to watch.

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6 minutes ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

I hate the Mariners. And it would be nice to see someone other than Houston.

That said, as much as I couldn't care less for any of them, and as much as I hate the Mariners, if like you said the Rangers shit the bed it would at least be fun to watch.

This is 100% how I feel. I can tolerate the Rangers winning the division more than the Mariners or Astros.

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54 minutes ago, ten ocho recon scout said:

I hate the Mariners. And it would be nice to see someone other than Houston.

That said, as much as I couldn't care less for any of them, and as much as I hate the Mariners, if like you said the Rangers shit the bed it would at least be fun to watch.

And let's be honest: for most of their respective histories, the Angels, Rangers and Mariners have been sub-par franchises. Each had eras in which they did well, but all three have had long periods of mediocrity or worse.

The Astros have an interesting history. If you look only at the last two decades or so, you see a decline from mediocrity to a three-year run in 2011-13 in which they averaged 108 losses. But then they got good, and then really good -- and have arguably been the best franchise in baseball over the last seven years. But they were actually pretty good  from 1997-2005 with six playoff appearances in nine years and one WS loss. So they've been a good franchise for over 25 years, with a bad period in the middle.

The Athletics have really been the best AL West team overall, especially if we go back 50+ years to their three-year WS championship streak in 1972-74 (Reggie!). They were pretty bad in the late 70s and most of the 80s when the Royals were the toast of the division, but then got good again in the late 80s to early 90s. Bad again in the late 90s, but since 2000 they've reached the postseason about half the time and their worst playoff-less span was five years (2007-11).

Anyhow, might be worthy of a post about the rise and fall of the AL West teams. With charts!

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astros pitcher neris was a complete doosh tonight against the mariners.

1 hour ago, Blarg said:

The Astros are cheaters, fuck them. The Rangers and Mariners don't have a trophy and I'd like to see it stay that way.



29 minutes ago, Docwaukee said:

best case.  The Rangers win and get ousted in the DS.  The Astros ousted in the WC and the M's share a tee time with the Angels. 

also agreed.

and i'll bet most of the m's don't count their gimme putts.

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