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Relax, it's just a game.

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As I said yesterday, I'm just looking for 82 wins and maybe a strong finish, for a feel-good and a bit of incentive for Ohtani. Of course that it is going to be difficult with their schedule, but i guess the hope is that a spark is lit when Trout and O'Hoppe return.

The final nail in the coffin of viable playoff contention ended with the four-game sweep--at home, no less--by the Mariners. I'm not sweating it anymore.

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I start posts about baseball and erase them.  This season had already taken the wind out of our sails from a baseball standpoint and now all I can think about are @Lou and @Brandon and their families.   I just keep reminding myself that regardless of their play, this team brought us all together and they're responsible for the joy those guys brought to our lives.  Two weeks ago I was frustrated with the season.  Now I couldn't give a shit.  

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1 hour ago, Docwaukee said:

I start posts about baseball and erase them.  This season had already taken the wind out of our sails from a baseball standpoint and now all I can think about are @Lou and @Brandon and their families.   I just keep reminding myself that regardless of their play, this team brought us all together and they're responsible for the joy those guys brought to our lives.  Two weeks ago I was frustrated with the season.  Now I couldn't give a shit.  

I'm so like this. Much more concerned with how the guys here at AW are doing than the Angels play-off chances. Ohtani leaving? Pffft. So what?

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Everyone grieves differently. Some might not even grieve at all for any number of reasons.  Some need the distraction of baseball. Some don't.

Personally, baseball is just entertainment for me. I don't live and die with Angels baseball. 

That being said, I can't help but think about the guys we lost this week. It's top of mind. Baseball is not.

For those who are wrapped up in the season, I say good for them. If that's how they want to occupy their time, I'm not going to judge them. After all, it's Angels baseball that brought us all here in the first place.

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15 hours ago, ten ocho recon scout said:


That said, it's been a shit week, Angels. Can you please try and win a freaking game please?

Sorry that you're going thru some things, and sending you best wishes, hope it all works out ok.

And I know what you're saying - the last month and a half has been a personal 40 miles of bad road, now this week, a neighbor died, and even my cat died the other day.  Now deaths here ... 

The other day, I saw at my Ohtani shirt hanging in my closet and wondered if I should wear it 'cuz I might be running out of chances.

But I thought "nah, I'm not wearing that.", and instead put on a Dropkick Murphy's t-shirt and went to an Irish pub.

If I can't baseball, I can sure as hell beer ...

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The hurt and sadness that so many of us are dealing with right now says so much about just how special this place is.  Many of us are ex So Cal folks.  We came together at AW because we had no one in our new home cities to talk about our team with.  We were like an island of misfit toys, from a baseball/sports standpoint.  And in the process of connecting to talk about our favorite team, we can became friends.  And then we all became family.

Like all families, we've gone through all of life's events with each other.  Weddings, the birth of children, the passing of parents, celebrating new jobs, distressing over lost jobs and so on.  The passing of friends (AW family members) is just part of our story.  Several years back we lost Mike (PercySquint).  This week we had to say goodbye to Lou and Brandon.  Unfortunately, they won't be the last.  We will continue to live our life's stories together ... like all families do. 

I love this place.  I love the people here.  It's not just the "Internet Home of Angels Fans," it's our internet home. 





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57 minutes ago, Spirit said:

The hurt and sadness that so many of us are dealing with right now says so much about just how special this place is.  Many of us are ex So Cal folks.  We came together at AW because we had no one in our new home cities to talk about our team with.  We were like an island of misfit toys, from a baseball/sports standpoint.  And in the process of connecting to talk about our favorite team, we can became friends.  And then we all became family.

Like all families, we've gone through all of life's events with each other.  Weddings, the birth of children, the passing of parents, celebrating new jobs, distressing over lost jobs and so on.  The passing of friends (AW family members) is just part of our story.  Several years back we lost Mike (PercySquint).  This week we had to say goodbye to Lou and Brandon.  Unfortunately, they won't be the last.  We will continue to live our life's stories together ... like all families do. 

I love this place.  I love the people here.  It's not just the "Internet Home of Angels Fans," it's our internet home. 


Great post @Spirit!! 

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On 8/11/2023 at 8:48 PM, ten ocho recon scout said:

But holy sh*t can these guys give us something to smile about right now?

As I said in another thread, it IS just a game. And spoiler alert, none of us are part of it. It's a bunch of strangers playing and us paying for it, and win or lose, we win or gain nothing.

There's a lot more important things out there to get your endorphins up or down. 

This is a cheap shot, but everyone needs to think about the good times with Lou, and Brandon. 

And then think about the bad times they had without us....

And I know thats a shitty thing to say, but it should hopefully make everyone nod their head and say "yeah, good point." Plenty of worse things out there than seeing strangers suck at baseball.

Sorry, I have my own thing going on at home right now, so I'm probably saying this out of frustration. And it's not at all aimed at anyone reading this. Not trying to preach and say "who cares about baseball, Im having an issue in my life!"

More just to remind everyone to still enjoy the rest of their night, and the weekend, regardless of what our favorite team does. Don't let it affect your real life is what I'm saying.


That said, it's been a shit week, Angels. Can you please try and win a freaking game please?


Everyone be safe out there.


I’m sorry you’re going through it man. Thank you for saying this though. As for me, the typical “numbing” started about 3-4 games into the L7. I’m just gonna try and enjoy watching 17 for the last 1.5 months in our uni. I’ll be back all fired up again next Valentines Day tho, knowing my stupid brain. 

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Well obviously my jinx didn't work. These guys suck. Boohoo!


(No, seriously, these guys suck)

But had the best day in a week today and I'm all smiles. You get heavy jabbed in the face and you realize what's important.... and I had a phenomenal Saturday. Nothing but some undercooked pasta, some piano music on alexa, and a few crazy dogs can't make better....


... and family home and safe.

A smile from a loved one in that scenario is fucking platinum gold.

You guys enjoy your Saturday, and smile because you're reading this. Anything past this part is gravy.

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On 8/12/2023 at 1:10 PM, Angelsjunky said:

As I said yesterday, I'm just looking for 82 wins and maybe a strong finish, for a feel-good and a bit of incentive for Ohtani. Of course that it is going to be difficult with their schedule, but i guess the hope is that a spark is lit when Trout and O'Hoppe return.

The final nail in the coffin of viable playoff contention ended with the four-game sweep--at home, no less--by the Mariners. I'm not sweating it anymore.

Ohtani commented in an interview after the Aug. 3rd game, 
"I don't think there will ever be a game where I can rest, so if possible, I want to play in every single game."

But he suggested in an interview after the Aug. 9th game that he might take a break if he is tired and it may affects his play.
Q: How tired are you? Did it affect your pitch today?
A: Well, I think all of us are at their peak of fatigue, as it is the end of the 16-game streak. I will check how I feel after one day rest. Of course, it is important to rest if necessary, as it is part of my job.

Reference in Japanese: NHK Sports

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