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So when I went to bed last night I saw the score was 8-0 and TB had no hits but I didn't really take that seriously and considered the game won. When I woke this morning Google told me the final was 12-0, but I just found  out about the no-hitter!!!! Who was at that crazy game? No- hitter! 2 homers by Trout! Left-handed homer by Rendon! Hits by Velazquez! (I'm being mean)

Tell me about it fans! Did you feel that Walsh should have gotten an error on that play? 


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6 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

I missed the game.  My main question is why did Rendon bat left handed?

I think it was to counteract being up 10-0 with a position player on the mound throwing 55 mph lobs. (Brett Phillips was on mop up duty so save Tampa Bay from using another pitcher)

He threw the bat head out and crushed it. One of the funniest moments I’ve witnessed with the angels, right up there with Aybar swinging at a pitch that hit him in the balls. If you watch the replay Rendon has his head down the entire trot around the bases, probably trying not to bust out laughing. 

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10 minutes ago, TroutField said:

I think it was to counteract being up 10-0 with a position player on the mound throwing 55 mph lobs. (Brett Phillips was on mop up duty so save Tampa Bay from using another pitcher)

He threw the bat head out and crushed it. One of the funniest moments I’ve witnessed with the angels, right up there with Aybar swinging at a pitch that hit him in the balls. If you watch the replay Rendon has his head down the entire trot around the bases, probably trying not to bust out laughing. 

Interesting that he decided to do that.  He isn’t exactly crushing it offensively right now so I would have thought he would want  to go up there right-handed and try to pop one off the outfielder on the mound from his natural side.

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2 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

Interesting that he decided to do that.  He isn’t exactly crushing it offensively right now so I would have thought he would want  to go up there right-handed and try to pop one off the outfielder on the mound from his natural side.

Apparently he does it in batting practice sometimes and it’s a common practice for hitters to get their right handed swing going right. 

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3 minutes ago, Jason said:

It was a legit error for sure 

I just watched the video.  You have to score that an error.  The ball 100% should have been fielded by Walsh.  It’s an error.  The only thing that makes it even something to discuss is it looked like Detmers was a tad later than he should have been in covering first base, but it still looked like he had the runner barely beat.

Realistically I guess it is possible that the throw to first could have been awkward or Detmers footwork in catching the ball and tagging the bag with his foot could have been out of sync with the runner potentially being safe.

But it is too hard as a scorer to predict the back half of the play might not have gone right.  In that particular play, you have to default to the simple fact Walsh botched fielding it.  

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50 minutes ago, Torridd said:

So when I went to bed last night I saw the score was 8-0 and TB had no hits but I didn't really take that seriously and considered the game won. When I woke this morning Google told me the final was 12-0, but I just found  out about the no-hitter!!!! Who was at that crazy game? No- hitter! 2 homers by Trout! Left-handed homer by Rendon! A hit by Rodriguez (I'm being mean)

Tell me about it fans! Did you feel that Walsh should have gotten an error on that play? 



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16 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

But it is too hard as a scorer to predict the back half of the play might not have gone right.  In that particular play, you have to default to the simple fact Walsh botched fielding it.  

I agree, but in real time it looked like a bit of home cooking to me, maybe because the runner probably had it beat.

I'm likely not the only one here who thought Detmers looked shaky the last 3 innings. Good for him that he gutted it out.

Speaks to the Angels' defense, and Wallach was solid behind the plate.

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13 minutes ago, Jay said:

maybe because the runner probably had it beat.

You can’t give a base hit on that because you think the runner “probably” had it beat.

Detmers was getting to the bag before the runner (although barely).  You can visually time it thinking maybe even if Walsh fields it cleanly it is possible that he can’t get the ball to Detmers in time.  I get that.

But to be as fair as possible in scoring Walsh has to field the ball cleanly and make the play for us to ever find out for sure.

What we know for sure is Walsh misplayed it.  We don’t know for sure what might have happened if he didn’t misplay it.

So you go with what you know for sure.

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5 minutes ago, Dtwncbad said:

You can’t give a base hit on that because you think the runner “probably” had it beat.

No but you give a base hit based on where the fielder was, how hard the ball was hit, difficulty of the fielding play, etc. If Walsh fields it cleanly and nobody is covering first, it's a hit.

Anyway the commentators thought it was "home friendly" and I agree with that assessment. No matter it's in the books as a no-no and I'm good with it.

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7 minutes ago, Jay said:

No but you give a base hit based on where the fielder was, how hard the ball was hit, difficulty of the fielding play, etc. If Walsh fields it cleanly and nobody is covering first, it's a hit.

Anyway the commentators thought it was "home friendly" and I agree with that assessment. No matter it's in the books as a no-no and I'm good with it.

Detmers was covering 1B. It was clearly an error.

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