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Jimmy Kimmel Exposes LA Fans

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I couldn't watch it all and didn't laugh.

Asking illegals, ditzy chicks, and hipsters about sports is just an obvious joke. The first dude also came off as obviously fake. That one didn't even make sense as a Miami resident and fan but a few month LA resident and now Lakers fan.



Yeah, you could probably go through Angels Stadium asking people how they felt about getting eliminated in the playoffs last year or Vlad being traded the other day, and get similar responses.  

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I couldn't watch it all and didn't laugh.

Asking illegals, ditzy chicks, and hipsters about sports is just an obvious joke. The first dude also came off as obviously fake. That one didn't even make sense as a Miami resident and fan but a few month LA resident and now Lakers fan.


Geez, man. It was just a stupid two minute segment meant to show how the average LA person will say they're a Lakers fan even though they don't know anything about the team. Lighten up.

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But as someone from LA, it isnt accurate or funny.


It's a comedy show. I don't think they're worried about accuracy. I'm from OC and have been a Lakers fan my entire life. I thought it was hilarious because I've met a ton of people just like that. The people that wear the team gear and say they are fans, but yet don't know anything about what is actually going on with the team. 

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It's a comedy show. I don't think they're worried about accuracy. I'm from OC and have been a Lakers fan my entire life. I thought it was hilarious because I've met a ton of people just like that. The people that wear the team gear and say they are fans, but yet don't know anything about what is actually going on with the team. 


Cripes, it isn't a documentary or a scientific study...


Ray - that is like my sister-in-law. When Michael Jordan played for the Chicago Bulls, she bought a Bulls jacket, Bulls everything. She probably couldn't have named another player on the Chicago roster, and the only Jordan she watched was on Sports Center. Classic bandwagon fan. Wear the gear of the dominant team, know nothing about them.

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I can't believe the Lakers didn't win the Stanley Cup.


One year my stepdaughter was looking at a photo from the Stanley Cup finals that was in the newspaper. Seeing the large "A" of the Colorado Avalanche on the front of the jerseys, she said "I didn't know that the Angels won the Stanley Cup." This was shortly after she asked me if I thought that the Pittsburgh Steelers would win the World Series.


None of that is made up.

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Hilarious... I saw a video recently where a guy went to a pier/beach in San Diego, and asked random people if they knew the meaning of Memorial Day.... Most said they didn't care; just knew they were getting the day-off from work.  Another couple of Bill-and-Teds said it was for deceased surfers.  


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Hilarious... I saw a video recently where a guy went to a pier/beach in San Diego, and asked random people if they knew the meaning of Memorial Day.... Most said they didn't care; just knew they were getting the day-off from work.  Another couple of Bill-and-Teds said it was for deceased surfers.  



HA! I live 3 blocks south of that pier. Weird considering it's Oceanside and 75% of residents there are Marines. The last guy they talk to is in an Angels hat.

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The general public truly is that stupid. While I do believe that they needed some creative editing to pull that one off, I'm sure the total number of people they had to interview to get those reactions was a lot fewer than most of you think.


Just like on here.  You can't ask a stupid trivia question because there are too many asshats who quickly Google the answer then act like they knew all along.  You can usually tell who they are because when you make a sarcastic statement it's more important to them to point out the inaccuracies of the statement rather than understanding the underlying message you are trying to put forth by making said "inaccurate" statement.


Hence the birth of the :Facepalm: meme.   ;)


P.S. - If you just got offended by the above statement, you might just be one of the person's I'm referring to. :lol:

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